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Barlow look-ups


master brummie
  look-ups please my  g/parents lived in cowper st at sometime, barlow at 2 court 3 could be them
thomas william barlow ,harriet may barlow nee griffiths my father might be there but he left home aged13/14 his name thomas henry barlow he was born 1907 there could be some sisters ,may ,esther
there are other family members upto 1928 but the family broke, up most of my aunts names which i
knew turn out to be nicknames

also my wifes gg/father lived in cowper st there is a freer at 15 coleshill place we think it could be
him ,albert edward,minnie freer nee bell
thanks rod for getting this site back online hopefully it will fill an important blank space in our history 

great,great thankyou to everyone for making this site so fantastic
Re: aston familly names 1920 look-ups

welcome 33 bus you mentioned cowper street and the name griffiths i think we may be relations my grand mother was esther young nee griffiths she lived in cowper street and her parents were harriet and joshua they lived in moorsom street regards esther
Re: aston familly names 1920 look-ups

my g/mother i beleve had a sister called esther ,and the name pemmy wisedale cropped up
does this ring any bells? if it does i think you must be related to my dads cousin frank griffiths
Re: aston familly names 1920 look-ups

33 bus you have confirmed we do belong to the same family pemmey wisedale married name wilson was my dads cousin i have been in touch with other griffiths june who s father joshiah was my grandmothers brother the name durose also features in this family line if you want more info feel free to contact me regards another esther
Re: aston familly names 1920 look-ups

Aint it flipping fantastic when something like this occurs, just goes to prove how powerfull communication can be. O0
Re: aston familly names 1920 look-ups

Hello & stop here 33Bus ;D i see that my lovely little sister Esther has gotcha 1st (mmh Fast Bralady :o )
Would be pleased to assist your Genealogy lines of enquiry re Griffiths and Young (Summer Lane/Newtown Row)
Esther and i have Griffiths back to 1840,s & Young,s back to 1790,s, You are most welcome to share,
ps If these names ring a bell (Not on the 33 Bus,, they was always Bust ::) ) Then All enquiries invited
Cheers & best regards to All listers on This Great Site,, John :crazy2:
Re: aston familly names 1920 look-ups

what a fantastic site with fantastic people absolutely chuffed to bits with the response
and so quick to my family enquiries ,and the interest the 33bus route has shown
my special thanks to esther and brother john

Re: aston familly names 1920 look-ups

Tom m8 ( 33 Bus ) you are most welcome & thanks for your compliments to Sis & self,

Noticed you are "relatively" (s,cuse pun)new to Genealogy, Family tree skullduggery ::)

Please feel free to post your Barlow, Griffiths & others on here or PM to me if you like,
I & others on here have Full researching facilities & glad to assist a "Newbie" Brummie mate O0
Cheers for the several pints you will owe at the BAR,,John
Re: aston familly names 1920 look-ups

DO any of you good people have a Isiah Griffiths married to Louise. Birth dates dates around mid to late 1800s,
Re: aston familly names 1920 look-ups

33 bus you have confirmed we do belong to the same family pemmey wisedale married name wilson was my dads cousin i have been in touch with other griffiths june who s father joshiah was my grandmothers brother the name durose also features in this family line if you want more info feel free to contact me regards another esther
Hello I’m looking for any information for Griffiths and my great grandad was called Josiah with a daughter June .... would be much appreciated thank you