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Barford road.

Postie your a gem. Sandra is on one of our other forums and has been after a photo like this for years. Just phoned her at her pub the harbour Arley and she is over the moon. Posted it on to her and she said they moved there three years before the photo was taken. Many thanks again. Jean.
I Used To Kow Alot Of Familys In The Old Barford Rd And Most Certainly The Two Familys Mentioned , The Prices , And Most Definately The Georges , And They Eventualy
Ended Up Down Ellen Street Spring Hill They Was Very Old Freinds Of Mine [ School Freinds In Fact ] Best Wishes Astonian ,;;;
Astonian have just been in touch with my friend a member of the George family Sandra who owns the Harbour. Her computer has been hacked into and she has lost god know how much. Her son is a computer programmer and even he can,t get them back and she has to change her e.mail address. She is on the forum but is not sure if she will be able to get back on with her new address. If you wanted to contact her she is on 01299 401204. She can't wate to find out who you are. Bye. Jean. ps. Mr George was her dad.

Here's one of Barford Road Infants School and I understand that it dates from 1910. I haven't had a chance to clean it up yet and it was obviously removed from an even older album than the one I have!


Maurice that is a lovely photo. I will contact my friend and maybe her dad is on it. Never know. Thanks again. Jean.