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Baines the Bakers



Hello. My query relates to the picture of Baines which appears under New Content. Does anyone know the name of the road on the nameplate on the wall? Eileen
The name on the street sign is Phillips Street

Its the corner of Phillips Street and High Street / Newtown Row. You can see straight down Phillips Street. I think Ive messed up on my dates for the picture though. It's perhaps three or four years earlier I think?
Rod, do you know if number 8 Phillips St would be showing in that Picture? My Father was living there in 1881.

Rod - thanks very much for the information. Just what I was looking for. Eileen
Ill try and have a search through my piccies to see if we might have any. It would have only been a few doors away from where I lived Brummie Nick, I lived at 4a
hi all...just come accross this pic of george baines bakery..finch road....now i know that the village maid pub was next to it but would anyone know if it was to the left or to the right....in this pic i can see a building to the left which may be the pub....in fact looking at it again it could well be the village maid...
can't see the picture, but I can tell you the main entrance to the bakery was to the right of the pub, nearer Lozells Rd. The bakery ran all the way behind the pub and there was also a delivery entrance on the other side. As I remember the bakery also had offices the other side of Finch Rd, with a depot for their delivery vans behind them
baines bakery finch road.jpghi exbrum ..there is a notice at the top of the page saying that some images cant be viewed owing to the site being hacked some time back where we lost all of our images but here is a photo of baines bakery..just out of interest did you live locally ??

yes I lived in Finch Rd, 1958 to 72. My father was a manager at the bakery, and we lived in a company house just a few yards down the road. Rank-Hovis, who owned Baines at that time, closed the bakery when they built a much larger and more up to date one somewhere else in the West Midlands, and our family left Brum at that point. Have many fond memories of the area, but probably wouldn't recognize it if
I went back now.
village maid finch road.jpgexbrum i am quite sure you would not recognise the area now..here is another pic showing the village maid pub i think that is baines bakery just to the right of it...both gone now...
thanks for that. I'm amazed to see the sign "beer garden and children's area at rear"; I wouldn't have thought there could be room. As I said, my memory is the main entrance to the bakery was what you see to the right (effectively what you see in your other picture), but the bakery went behind the pub, and the building to the left of it was also part of the bakery.
Hi There Exbrumie
very nice to hear of your input regarding the bakery of baines finch rd lozells rd
I have a sister inlaw whom is getting on now in age and worked there for years when she was young and got older and she met a scouser from liverpool there and they got married one saturday morning when they was not working that day
during the periods you have said and right up to the end of the period baines closed down
just shortly after baines closed down about ten months later i think it was the place burnt down badly and gutted and they turned it into
an idustreal units and seperate small bussiness openened up with in the complex and one of them was a wash and laundry busines called wrights
set up by a young couple but a year or two later they sold out to some one else the old cuople now live down selly park ;
but what i was gong to say that before baines set up there bussiness at that site in 1925 ajoing it was a cycle [ bike ] maker ]
and this was in the late 1800s through to there period i think it was called sun cycles whom made bkes push bikes
they used to have a huge signhigh up above the side building of baines bakeriers as i recall it was there for many years
i met an very old lady on my travels incastle bromwich whom was hanicapped and wheel chair bound her husband was a general excective at the old jag sports and
social club i used to go to her house she was a very old lady at the time this is near on fifty years ago when i met her and it was quite often i would be at her house
and she told me its her family bussiness and she was a mmember of the family to it and she was part share holder of this one time firm of bike makers
as i said the firm had closed down many years ago from that site but was operatimng some where else but the sign was still kept above baines office out side walls
it was a huge sign and yopu could not miss it for a half mile away from the buildind of baines
about nine years ago or more the article of baines and pictures and the story and the pictures of the oldsun cycle manufactures have all disapeard
along with the fuller story of the sun cycle bikes which i also put an input to it but i do not have off them on my books of files now on my comp; records
the guy she married was frank and his step brother was a security officier at bulpitts camden street and ickneild street
best wishes Astonian ;;;;
There used to be a T.H. Baines bakery itself in Langton Road Alum Rock next to the Grand Cinema
, but this was demolished years ago.
Hi harry
There used to be loads of Baine's cake shops all around brum from over the years when I was a kid
Harry I hope you do not mind me asking you this personal question but have you got a son called Alan and a grand son called Alan
Down here in brum best wishes astonian
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Astonian, thanks for all the info. 'Can't remember the sign from the bike makers myself, but then, thinking back, it's been 40 years since I was in Finch Rd! all the best, exbrum
Good. Day to ya exbrummie
Nice to hear from you again hope your weather is grand, I went through that territory the other day brummie
And not been that way myself in years my oh my it was so sad to see the whole place run down and dirty and intimidating
To drive bye I left the Birmingham area of Aston near on 14 years and I was gob smacked when I drove up through that lozells red and villa red and through to the Wins
Winston green area sad best wishes astonian
Okay Exbrummie
Well to tell you truth; i did not expect you to so ; because the sign went down with the bakery it was completed gutted throgh out the whole building
from the roof to ground level ;it was after the bakey had moved out and stood empty for a good few years
but the sign when it was up was way abouve the baines bakery sign i can only presumed because of its history to the actual building
and it was there before they moved in so i presume the manaement of the bakery decided to leave it there way above there sign
i do actualy recall writing the thread for other members at the time on this forum and then other members put an input to it on this forum
this was ten years ago but as you know the forum was out of action for a couple of weeks at that time some one hi jacked us and all as gone
still i will try and recall the family name and the old cycle bussiness name for therte bikes
take care best wishes astonian ;;;;;
Alan, I don't know if Sun Cycles is the firm you are trying to recall in Finch Road, but I worked at Sun Cycles in Aston Brook Street, very near the junction with Newtown Row, this was in the early 1960's and had been there for many years.
I believe it was family owned, and all the directors were addressed as Mr. Fred, Mr. Wilf and Mr.Peter but I can't remember their surname, if it comes to me I will post it.
Yes, it was Parkes. My Mother was a secretary to Mr. Peter Parkes, a great gentleman as were all the Parkes men. Peter Parkes loaned my Mother a typewriter so that I could improve my typing speed before starting my first job. Never forget that. The company were very forward thinking in many ways. Just one small example was when so many companies had boring letterhead with Victorian style script etc. the Sun Cycle had bright yellow good quality embossed letterhead and the typewriter ribbons were green. Very effective. As Sylvia mentioned Sun Cycles was located in Aston Brook Street.
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Well jenny and sylv,
What I can say is yes giving her age and her husband and what she told me and met the husband whom was always
Smartley dressed and I am pretty sure his name was peter if only I could cross check the home address of there home
Which was a rd. Just passing the old timberly pub going towards castle Bromwich

There was a slip rd to get to these shops on the castle Bromwich red but instead of turning back to the shops
You would have carried into a red which when you went up into it becomes a rd that goes around into a circle
In other words you would have gone around in a complete circle they was long RDS to go up and around
If I had the street map access I could pin point the red today but unfortunely I have not got one
But may be if I get to my daughters today in brum by the Birmingham air port as she is back from London today
I will pop around there and pick out the street name I do believe. His first name was peter he always was dressed like an ecutitive
She was completely wheel bound could never get out of the chair he would always pop back at lunch times
To check and make her a meal she was a lovely lady and so sincere I seen her that often I built a relationship with them
Jen, and sylv, you both mention Aston brook street as I have said the sign was still high above the bakery
At finch red so I have to say way back in the 1800 s early 1900 s I can only presume they sold there factory
And at some year moved down to Aston brook street and that they joined forces. And integrated into the big huge factory called miller
Miller brothers where they made all sorts of bike. Parts and lamps for there bikes
But what year I could not say but I never heard of sun bikes until I grew up and moved to Victoria red Aston
Where upon I travelled up and down that red of lozells red and seeing the sign
My first wife Jeanette oldest sister met her husband there he also courted her there and got married in 1973
And the sign was still up above the bainesfactory on finch red corner of finch red and lozells red that's for certain
As you andi know they founded in 1800 s
But what I do have to say ladies that miller street Aston brook street was miller brothers
As a sixteen year old lad I worked there along side the guy whom was the factory shop steward for the union
And me and him was the electro platers for the company of miller brothers in Aston brook street
Which also may I had a couple of hundred yards from the tram depot
I cannot veryify as to the sun cycles was part of millers but the sun cycles was at finch red and the ex act log go jenny was what you said
But I will try and cut across to castle brom to track this red down and cross check and phone directory
So to me my big question is did they almergate or buy the factory building for the sun cycles or was they contracted supplyers to them
But I would just like to say about the old millers director As he wasa very old an traditional company director and old
Fashion ion at the break up of the company at Christmas times he stopped all machines working and made a speech and thanking the work force
For all there work in making the company as to what it was it went on and on for about half an hour
Thanks guys looking forward to further researching I do believe we done this on the forum about nine or ten years ago
Best wishes Alan ,, astonian,,,,,,
Jenny and Janice thanks for posting that it was the Parkes family that owned Sun Cycles. Alan, I don't think there was a formal connection with Millers, but they may have supplied components to Sun Cycles.
Another thought most of the Parkes family lived in Sutton Coldfield, I used to type some private letters for them and at one time knew the addresses but that was a long time ago.
Hi sylv,
Now I have got the bit between my teeth over this subject I will go back k through the rooted on this one I will go back to the house where my thread started
And get the family I am on about I do know the lady whom told me of herfami.y and because of her health conditions she could not work
But her family gave her shares within the business ASA sleeping partner andik ow it was within the baines building in the 1800. S and that sign was above in the seventys until the derelict building of gained was set and burnt to the ground
I will keep you posted at a later date. Alan,,,,,
This is Church Road Aston around 1911

Dont know how I put 2nd thumbnail on - must cut my nails!!

Church Street Aston Baines.jpg


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