Lovely section this Park's section ;D
I keep coming back here as I have happy memories of days in parks...but this park, Aston Park, we practically lived in...walking, with mom usually, from Parliament Street Aston, maybe calling for my cousins in Upper Sutton St. on the way there, and my mom's friend Lily, in Clifton Road, and her 2 boys.
Seeing the dalmations William, and his cousin Susie, being walked. William was famous from a TV advert (in the 60's). Pedigree Chum?? not sure. Mom would always stop and talk to the owner (or the walker).
The fairs and circuses there (in the 60's) and the pig roast...and the Maypole on the lawn by Aston Hall, with people dancing round it.
Going round Aston Hall and coming out through a door in the Kitchen into the cafe.
Swinging so high on the swings and seeing lots of horses, with riders, on steps over the road at Villa Park (anyone know what that was all about?)
watching people play bowls
marvelling at the stocks
Loving walking round the pretty Rose Garden bit with dad.
Learning to float on my back by lying on the bottom of the paddling pool holding my breath and floating up.
Cycling round the cycling circuit...only once as nervous on bicycles.
seeing gypsies camped at the back of the park where it was more unkempt with longer grass.
I keep coming back here as I have happy memories of days in parks...but this park, Aston Park, we practically lived in...walking, with mom usually, from Parliament Street Aston, maybe calling for my cousins in Upper Sutton St. on the way there, and my mom's friend Lily, in Clifton Road, and her 2 boys.
Seeing the dalmations William, and his cousin Susie, being walked. William was famous from a TV advert (in the 60's). Pedigree Chum?? not sure. Mom would always stop and talk to the owner (or the walker).
The fairs and circuses there (in the 60's) and the pig roast...and the Maypole on the lawn by Aston Hall, with people dancing round it.
Going round Aston Hall and coming out through a door in the Kitchen into the cafe.
Swinging so high on the swings and seeing lots of horses, with riders, on steps over the road at Villa Park (anyone know what that was all about?)
watching people play bowls
marvelling at the stocks
Loving walking round the pretty Rose Garden bit with dad.
Learning to float on my back by lying on the bottom of the paddling pool holding my breath and floating up.
Cycling round the cycling circuit...only once as nervous on bicycles.
seeing gypsies camped at the back of the park where it was more unkempt with longer grass.