Jackie Ansermoz
New Member
I left in 1959. Names I remember are, Dorothy Wooley, Evelyn Dent, Melinda Jefferies, Patricia Dancer, Margaret Armstrong, Janette Haycock, Phil Jackson, Raymond Jackson, Ray Brookes, oh and lots more if I really concentrate. I remember nearly having a fit when faced with the fact that Russian had to be a language included in the must dos as well as Spanish French and German. Was I pleased when, after the term, we could drop two of them. The main school was a wonderful building. Separate grand entrances for Girls and Boys. Doorways topped by tall stone arches bearing sculptured descriptions of the entrants, namely BOYS and GIRLS. And woe betide anyone attempting to creep through the wrong one. Every Winter term we would be asked for volunteers to form a cast for the annual Christmas concert. And every winter somebody thought it was appropriate to write my name on the form. Mr. Woodwood (or Woodward) oversaw the production and every year he tried to get me to sing "The Blues". The only blues he got was some words said silently by myself. Wonderful days.