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anglesey arms.jpg

Does anyone know any history about this pub, it was called the Anglesey Arms and was in Watling Street, it was demolished and flats built in its place, then they were demolished and now its just wasteland. It was owned/run by joseph scott 1880-1884 my 3rd great grandfather.
There is neither a Watling St nor a joseph Scott listed in the 1880 or 1884 directories. Would this have been outside Birmingham ?
I think It's Brownhills, Walsall.
I've searched in the old papers - using various combinations of name, street, location, landlords name - and can't find it mentioned - unusual for a pub.
The Anglesey arms Ogley Hey, (watling St) is listed as having Joseph Scott landlord in 1880
Other landlords listed (date is date of publication of directory , which will probably be at least 1 year later then survey)
1872 Turner (no initial or christian name)
1900-1904 William Teece
1924-1932 Wallace J Shingler
1940 Anker Brookes
thanks for the replies, I didn't realise that it was in Walsall, I assumed that it was in Birmingham as he lived in Aston, my mistake :)
Sorry. it is Ogley Hay, not Ogley Hey. the staffs record office site https://www.archives.staffordshire.gov.uk/DServe/DServe.exe?dsqApp=Archive2&dsqCmd=Index.tcl brings up a number of references to it, anglesey arms is not mentioned, but the titles of the documents are rather broad. A visit to them might produce something. similarly Walsall archives might have something (https://cms.walsall.gov.uk/localhistorycentre/ ). You should be aware that the staffs archive has a number of items on the Anglesey arms, Hednesford, which is a much grander place
I have searched the old papers again using Ogley Hay and still can't find anything - very disappointing as Pubs are usually easy to find articles on :(