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Would anyone with access to Ancestry or Family Search kindly have a look at the following:
1891 Census:
John Anderton (listed as Anderson on Family Search) Age 29 living at 11/l Camden Street, Birmingham with wife Elizabeth (30) and children John, Minnie, Laura, Charles and Frederick.

What on earth is John's occupation?

Many thanks: Charlie
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Well Charlie I have had a look but this is a difficult one could be a misspelling "Helps at Muffles Mupples".........it looks like the inumerator has ringed Fack? could be factory not sure....perhap someone else can help?

Sorry I have't been much help have I:(
Thats a very good question Charlie, At first I thought it was HELPING AT
---PLES but looking again the word is not helping.
The Muffles was a job to do with heating metal.
At the IMI if ya worked in the Muffles ya cleaned the metal for coins etc
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Ive coppied the line with the occupation on , see if anyone else can make sence of it.

sorry, pic will not post
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John Anderton

Looking at Cromwell's explanation; do you think it could be "heating at muffles"? Hmmm....bit of a mystery this one, but I do think 'muffles' might come into it. (no mucky comments please! :rolleyes: !)
The 1881 Family Search census is down at the moment, but I'll see what he was doing at 19 when it's back on line. Sadly, by the 1901 census he was deaded!!
All help gratefully received.
1881 Birmingham Warwickshire

Back of 19 Blews Street West

With the Woodhouse family
John Alderton age 19 Tube Drawer lodger
Elizabeth wife age 20
John son

Thanks for that. Tube drawer eh.....that doesn't give much of a clue to his job ten years later. Unless 'muffles' has something to do with tube drawing.....anyone know?
Charlie, relative worked in the Muffles as I have said............
I reckon it was something to do with annealing and muffles then, maybe the way John said it, or the way the census guy recorded it.
Problem (more or less) solved - thanks Cromwell and Di.

Annealing and Muffles well we have strayed into
the Technical Fields.
I cant see helping at muffles.
Heating and Muffles may be.
At 19 he was a Tube drawer.
There would be forms of Heatreat process
such as annealing to reduce the stress in the
material after drawing through the dies.
The inumerator record in these cases is final.

mike jenks
hi charlie

i am related to john and elizabeth anderton their youngest daughter was beatrice anderton who is my great grandmother
I do the Anderton family to 1700 hundreds to Francis Anderton
Hi BIGBOY: I am related to Elizabeth Anderton via her second marriage (to John Charlesworth). Elizabeth Charlesworth (nee Anderton/Reynolds) was my grandmother. I have a friend related to the Andertons and she's done a lot of research. I can send you her email address via a private message to you if you like? Have to ask her first, obviously!

I logged in to see the thread, I am the 'friend' Charlie mentioned. Me mother's an Anderton before she married. My Ancestry tree goes a little further back than 1700. Recently trying to find a connection between the Tanworth and Ratley & Radway/Burton Dassett Anderton's, I believe the connection is through a Youin Anderton although there is no firm evidence to prove this yet! John & Elizabeth's son John married Alice Jelves who are my great grandparents. That would make Beatrice my great Aunt.
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Yes Beatrice is my great grandmother she married Frederick Wright in Birmingham in 1910 and had 10 children my nan name is ivy Wright she is still alive as is her young sister Elsie I got George and Beatrice brith certifcate from 1914 - 1918
You, me and Charlie are related then! Cool!

Are you Bignell on Ancestry? With John Anderton and Elizabeth being my great grandparents, I haven't done much on Beatrice and Frederick. Incidentally, wasn't Beatrice a "Jane Beatrice?" Some records use Jane Beatrice and others Beatrice.
Have you got pictures of Jane beatrice anderton or her parents I got one of Frederick Wright and 3 of Beatrice daughters my nan ivy and two of my great aunts

No, I don't have any photo's, it appears they were either camera shy or just didn't have enough money to buy a camera and take photo's, I would think more a lack of money. Which is a shame.