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90th Anniversary 1918 -2008

terry carter

Birmingham Pals

Birmingham Weekly Post Saturday 24 November 1917

Company Sgt Major H C Jenns, Australian Imperial Forces, was killed in his 21st year, on October 9th. He went to Australia in August 1914, and enlisted the following July. He did 10 months service in Egypt before going to France. He was the second son of Mr and Mrs H Jenns, 57 Chiswell Rd, Dudley Rd, Birmingham.

CSM Horace Clifford Jenns, No.237, 31st Bn. A.I.F. was killed on 9 October, 1917 and is buried in Buttes New British Cemetery, Polygon Wood, Belgium.

Being a member of the Australian Army, his service records survive and are able to be searched on the internet. There are 37 documents in his file, however, I chose the one piece of paper that was more poignant than the others. During WW1 the biggest killer of soldiers was shrapnel or shell fragments, Its said that 60% of all deaths in WW1 were the cause of it.
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Once again Terry thank you for the information on this poor soldier. Another insight on what they had to go through!