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78 Newtown Row

lynne webb

My GG Grandfather was born at this address in 1855. Would someone be able to pinpoint where this would have been please. On another thread Mikejee said the numbers changed in the 1880s so I couldn't work out where it would be. Thank you
Below is position of no 78 in 1855 in orange . It is shown on a c 1889 map though, as i don't have a 1855 one
are you clear where this is ?. if not i can put it ona smaller scale mao

Oh Mike thats great. I know exactly where it is, I go past there every time I go into town and Miller Street is still there.
Thank you so so much.
Well, what can I say. This is brilliant, thanks so much Moss, I never expected a pic as well.
Thanks both.
When I worked at Newtown Garage as an Apprentice mechanic back in, 1971 I think it was. I had to go in that Cafe for the Mechanic's sandwiches, the smell of baking bread was just bliss when you walked in. Then in the 1990s I was working for a transport company, and we parked our trailers round the corner in Miller street on some waste ground Where those houses were.
cracking pic moss..i remember those shops very well..you must be delighted lynne...

hi reg..yes i remember you telling me that..shame we do not have that many pics of villa st but im ever hopeful..

lyn x
I'm thrilled to bits Lyn, just knowing where it was was great but a pic as well is more than a bonus. I've saved the pic if thats OK with Moss.
If I remember right this building later became "Harts" The insurance brokers.Dek

hi ya dek...i was just reading a story from someone who lived in st stephens st who said that harts was just round the corner from them so there is nowt wrong with yer memory..lol dont think we have a pic of it though...

lynne ive found this one of phil harts...sorry i could not save it any bigger than this from the net...

here you go lynne..you should be able to click on an enlarge this one...dated 1979
Lyn notice the building on the end P.M.Harts insurance brokers on your photo *14 so you do have a photo :D:D Dek
Lyn i,ve been thinking back before Harts moved in and that used to be a car showroom,maybe someone can put a name to it. Dek
hi dek...i remember a car showroom but it was not at the hart building...used to have fancy cars in if memory serves me right and the one i recall was further up over the main lights going towards town..just after the clements pub i think...oh and i think the big glass windows were almost like smoked glass..not clear ones...

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I'm pretty sure Spilsburys was on the corner of Newtown Row and Cowper Street. The second photo definitely shows the corner of St. Stephen's Street and Newtown Row. St. Stephen's Church was across the road to the left of the corner shop.