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1918 Parrish


proper brummie kid
Hi all,
Im not very good with military look ups so please forgive me!
I have found on the absent voters list in 1918 John William Parrish (my g.grandfather possibly) registered at 3 back 34 Alexandra Street: 215700 Gnr. RAF.
I presume this to be his Number? and position and Regiment?
There seems to be a lot of soildiers registered at this address? Can someone tell me why please?
I have also found on the National Roll:
Parrish J.W. Gunner RFA (note previously says RAF is one a typing error or are they not the same person?)
This tells me that this JW volunteered but was refused on medical grounds but was then called up in 1917, he served in France and Germany and demobilised in 1919.
It then has an address 79, Anderton Street, Ladywood, Birmingham (Is this his home address?)
I have a sub to FMP but am struggling to find any service records.
If someone could find these, and or answer any of theses questions I would be most grateful.

Thanks for reading
I think it should be RFA [Royal Field Artillery] the RAF wasn't formed till sometime in the 20's


PS. the GNR stands for Gunner
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I would say the John William Parrish of the Royal Field Artillery 215700, is the same person who is mentioned in the roll call...as for the address I cannot really say....the latter could be his home address...., I cannot find his war service record, this due to most of them being destroyed in WW2....
Thank you Aston Lad,
without the service record I have no idea if this is my JW then, or indeed if the 2 JWs are the same ones?

Thank you all for your help tho x
John's medal index card confirms he served with the Royal Field Artillery but neither the card or his original entry in the issuing roll gives his unit. This is not at all unusual for men of the RFA. He qualified for the British War and Victory medals, which tells us that he went overseas and entered a theatre of war but not before 1916.
He was listed at Anderton Street with Annie Louisa Windle,John Howard and Frederick Holden
1927 at 64 Alma Crescent
John W Parrish and Violet Parrish (nee Cox,married 1917)
1935 at 37 Wildfell Road
1939 at 165 Lakey Lane
1945-1955 at 5 Sleaford Grove
Thank you Chris and Ladylinda.

Can I ask
Chris: How much info is on the medal card, and where can I view it please?

Ladylinda: I have the information 1927-1955, thank you. When was he at Anderton Street? And where can I find this information? John Howard is my Johns stepfather

Thanks and Regards
Hi Peggy
There is mention to J W Parrish in "The National Roll of The Great War 1914-1918" for Birmingham which would appear to be your John. Families payed to have entries put in the book. It reads, PARRISH J W; Gunner R.F.A. He volunteered on several occasions after the outbreak of war but was always rejected on medical grounds. He was subsequently called up in March 1917, and passed fit for general service, proceeded to France, where he was in action at Bullecourt, and wounded. He afterwards served with the army of occupation in Germany, and returning home was demobilized in September 1919, and holds the General Service and Victory medals. 79 Anderton Street, Ladywood, Birmingham.

Hope this is of help.
