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    We do hope you enjoy your visit. BHF Admin Team


  1. C

    Albert Alexander Cole. Aston Villa…1920s?

    Hi everyone, I’m new and hoping I’ve posted in the right place! I understand my great grandfather, Albert Alexander Cole, played for Aston Villa but didn’t go professional. My cousin has reached out to the club for any records but didn’t get much help, would anyone know how I could find any...
  2. Drew Douglas

    Douglas William

    Hello everyone! :) After stumbling across this forum quite by accident while researching, I immediately signed up. I've got a vested interest in Birmingham, particularly during the early 19th century. That's because my paternal line comes from the Birmingham area. I'm Australian and have been...
  3. M

    Lucas and Dunn Family

    Hi, I am researching the Lucas and Dunn families. The names of particular interest are as follows: Florence Dunn Richard Dunn Ada Maria Lucas William Thomas Lucas Thomas Lucas Mary Ann Crew Harriet Lucas (formely crew) If anyone know of these names or any information, photos, newspapers...