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Search results

  1. M

    King Edwards Grammar School Aston 1883

    Maybe to fill in a couple of gaps, I did like the photos of the school from Albert Road. The single storey building between the two main wings had gone by 1964 but the patched up outline of its foundations always left me curious. Was the whole school split by a wall originally with this...
  2. M

    King Edwards Grammar School Aston 1883

    A little tale that might amuse you as a rugby fan Keith. Hawthorn Road about 1969. As I’m somewhat skinny my only useful position was on the wing or full back hoping to sweep up a loose ball. You may remember B D Roberts (Brian?) who was a good teacher. Frustrated with our ragged play in...
  3. M

    King Edwards Grammar School Aston 1883

    Thanks Brasscaster. That is exactly the school as it remains in my memory. Who is the lad sweeping? In the ’60s there seemed to be no litter - and only one car. We had nothing to throw away but we didn’t know we were ‘green’. The Terrapin building must have been quite new. They say they’ve been...
  4. M

    King Edwards Grammar School Aston 1883

    Thank you Vivienne for creating this thread. Rather a shame that no-one has posted for three years. It was certainly a good school in my day but I am glad to see that teaching methods have improved a lot since the 1960s. I was the 1964 intake. I see that the school is now almost fortified to...
  5. M

    Marsh Hill Girls Grammar Tech School

    Wow! This took me back. I don't know how I stumbled into this thread but I remember Angela Holdnall from Perry Beeches in 1964. I went to KEGS Aston so we unfortunately lost touch. I moved away from 'Brum' as we had no family connections in the area. My brother lost a good friend in the infamous...