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Search results

  1. C

    Haseley Hall

    My husband was there from 1955. He was 5 years old when he went and was there for 2 years. His memories are awful of the place.
  2. C

    St Benedict's Road School Small Heath

    was the small park Digby Park ?
  3. C

    Orange juice from the welfare in the 1950s

    Our clinic was on the Coventry Road near to Small Heath park. I loved the orange juice, couldn't stand the rose hip syrup. I always thought it was made of the red berries in the park and they put it it bottles. Do you remember those glass dummies that had the syrup in and toddlers would walk...
  4. C

    Rackhams Store

    My Grandad worked on the railways all his life. When he retired in the mid- late 60s he became a porter at Rackhams. He worked on I think it was the 3rd floor. I know for sure that it sold sports equipment as he met Mom and myself after work and took us in to buy me a tennis racket, how posh was...
  5. C

    Midlands Pubs

    Sorry didn't realise, so many thanks moderators for all your hard work. Keep safe.
  6. C

    Midlands Pubs

    Edited to remove incorrect link. Viv. My apologises if you are already aware of this web site. I've just found it by chance and have found it fascinating and just had to share it. Not just pubs but it reads as though you are browsing the local news of bye gone days in Birmingham. Hilariously...
  7. C

    Haseley Hall

    My husband was at Hasley Hall in the 50s from when he was 5 to 7 years old. He hated it, a few funny stories but mostly scary from a childs experience. A few years ago he wrote down his memories. I had heard his stories many times but many tears were shed writing and reading it. A very...
  8. C

    Birmingham Open Air Schools - Cropwood, Hunter's Hill, Marsh Hill and Skilts (excl. Haseley Hall and Uffculme)

    My brother was at Hunters Hill in the 50's. He and another boy ran away and were taken straight back after almost reaching home in Small Heath. I was only about 7 but I will always remember how sad he was when my parents and grandparents borrowed a car from a neighbour to go to Blackwell on that...
  9. C

    horse drawn engine

    Brilliant photo. Any idea of year please? My 2 x Gt granddad was a turncock fire brigade. Address Little Cannon Street, Fire Station Yard. This was 1871, but he was also a turncock in 1861. Thanks
  10. C

    Marston Green Hospital

    Sorry just found your post. I haven't signed in to BHF for a long time. The posts at the side of the gates look wooden in the photograph and I am pretty confident that they were brick. Taller than we were. Did anyone discover their whereabouts? There was some talk of plaques being in the Marston...
  11. C

    Marston Green Hospital

    Your girlfriend at the time, but hey it was a long time ago ! Happy New Year Mark.
  12. C

    Marston Green Hospital

    Hello Mark, Well what a lovely surprise ! Guess who searched with you and took your photo very proudly pointing out your Dad`s initials on the plaque? We were so excited to find the plaques and his initials. So pleased that you have found this posting and that it`s made your day. Sadly I do...
  13. C

    Summer Lane

    Hello there Astoness, forgive me if post not in the right place but have only just found out that you have been poorly. I was so pleased to see your post 8 minutes ago. !!! It`s good to know that you have returned and are fit enough to supply us with the most wonderful photos. Thank you and...
  14. C

    St Benedict's Road School Small Heath

    St Benedicts Road School. The larger of the two must have been taken in 1956 as it has identical setting to second photo in #1 post. I think the smaller one was taken a year earlier but not sure.
  15. C

    The cane at school

    I never had the cane, but graphically remember seeing 3 boys caned. I was 11 years old , first year of secondary school, the school hall had a stage, 1st years were right at the front below the stage. It was the time of the Cuban missile crisis, A special assembly was called - we thought it was...
  16. C

    The space shuttle

    We remember seeing the shuttle fly over. We were living on edge of the new Stoneydelph estate and looking towards A5 Wilnecote we could just make it out, but we can say we saw it !!!
  17. C

    New Street City Centre Birmingham

    What an interesting thread. My great, great grandparents address on the 1851 census was Post Office Yard, New Street. 1861 they were 2 Court, New Street, 1871 Little Fire Station Yard, Cannon Street. The images have stimulated my imagination as to where and how they carried out their...
  18. C

    BSA Factory 1940s Onwards

    This is a photo of my Mom and her workmates at the B.S.A. On the reverse she had written B.S.A. Armoury Road 1945. My Auntie is the lady with glasses sat at the back. My Mom is the lady with the lovely smile to the right of to her. The only names Mom could remember were Len, Mary Gaffrey...
  19. C

    Bromford Racecourse

    I remember playing schools hockey in the middle of Bromford racecourse. I had to get from Kingshurst to Bromford. I walked a mile to the no 14 bus and then caught the 11 bus at Stetchford. I arrived late to be told off by the teacher !! We starting playing and the mist came down and we couldn`t...