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Search results

  1. P

    Davos, Switzerland Sunday Mercury & Kunzle

    Hi - what an incredible story. You MAY be lucky with a result on this if you look up the Facebook page for the kids who went to Davos. Start typing "People who went to Davos Switzerland for Asthma....." and the group will come up. I look forward to reading any follow up to this. If they...
  2. P

    Davos, Switzerland Sunday Mercury & Kunzle

    Hello everyone. It has been several years since I visited this group but only for this thread as I am not from Birmingham. And I suppose that's my point. People went to the Sanitorium Pro Juventute in Davos from all over the UK to our little Caselva unit, not just Birmingham, and I have no...
  3. P

    Davos, Switzerland Sunday Mercury & Kunzle

    Posted a load of photos on Flickr, the address link is on both of the Facebook groups.
  4. P

    Davos, Switzerland Sunday Mercury & Kunzle

    Hi, the Reunion in 1972 would have been way too early for me, I was only 14 then and had been back from Davos one year! I am going to post a lot more photos now on the two Facebook Groups. One of the Facebook groups is called "Haus Caselva, Davos", which does not seem to have too many people in...
  5. P

    Davos, Switzerland Sunday Mercury & Kunzle

    Oh not another Facebook group! it's getting confusing now! :( :))
  6. P

    Davos, Switzerland Sunday Mercury & Kunzle

    Dear all, for those of you who went to Caselva, there is a Facebook page, but I have no idea who set it up, in Febuary 2012. Only 5 'Likes' too. But it is here if you want to join and I shall post more colour photos. https://www.facebook.com/?sk=lf#!/pages/Haus-Caselva-Davos/388783097814392
  7. P

    Davos, Switzerland Sunday Mercury & Kunzle

    View of Davos as we went down from Caselva. I have been back a few times too!
  8. P

    Davos, Switzerland Sunday Mercury & Kunzle

    Left photo, view from the Hill. Middle photo, on the balcony, from top: Gina, Sandy, Wendy, Sue Cox on right, Franny and Maria at bottom. June 1071 On Right, Gina (from Limehouse area of London), Sue Cox (Bethnal Green), Sandy and Wendy.
  9. P

    Davos, Switzerland Sunday Mercury & Kunzle

    Hi, the above looks small but from left to right, Malcolm York, Wendy, Sue Cox (remember being dosed on all those steroids?) Gina, Sandy and Malcolm Chalk. Some more to come...
  10. P

    Davos, Switzerland Sunday Mercury & Kunzle

    Well then we should all inhabit THIS Facebook group. I did not start it, I found it by searching on F acebook. I will upload all my photos on to it, and hope you and others will join it. I am not from Birmingham so do not really belong here on this site either! Anyway, try here.
  11. P

    Davos, Switzerland Sunday Mercury & Kunzle

    Haahaha! I wrote the word skinprick and the software thinks I am being rude. It's a word meaning something that pushes into your skin to enter the subcutaneous area below it. ANOTHER memory was that because of the time of year I was there, there was very little school. I have been back to...
  12. P

    Davos, Switzerland Sunday Mercury & Kunzle

    So much more to write! Another memory was the dreaded skin ..... tests. They told me I was allergic to pretty much everything. I knew I wasn't allergic to anything. They failed to put essence of cigarette smoke under my skin (both parents smoked), as well as essence of "trouble at home" which...
  13. P

    Davos, Switzerland Sunday Mercury & Kunzle

    Hello everyone, I live in London and occasionally google "Pro Juventute" + Davos and found your thread. I have read the pages and read some great memories. I was there at the same time as one of the contributors. My name is Belinda and I was there for just three months in 1971. I had come from...