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Search results

  1. D

    Air Raid Wardens And Police

    Perry Common ARP Attached photo of the ARp's at Perry Common. My Grandfather Edmund Watson front right
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    The Commandos

    Raid into Norway This is a first person account written by the Rev George Parsons. George is my fathers cousin born in sparkbrook. After the war George became an ordained minister in the C of E. At the age of 18 I enlisted in the 9th (2nd City of London) regiment Royal Fusiliers, a...
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    Royal Coronations : Birmingham response

    Brackenbury Rd Kingstanding Photo of street party in Brackenbury Rd. I'm 3rd from the right. There was only one TV in the strret where most of the adults congregated. We still have the commemorative album from the coronation.
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    WW1 Postcards

    A few embroidered postcards sent to my Grandmother by Cpl Jack Grindrod
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    Copper Brouser

    Has anyone come across the term Copper Brouser. Its listed as my Gt Gt Grandmothers occupation in 1861 Cheers Dave
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    Kynoch's I M I 1950s Onwards

    Astonian, if you worked in the rolling mills at witton you may have come across my dad Fred Kemp. He worked there from 1947 till 1988.
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    The Royal Mint pub Icknield Street

    My Uncle Arthur Kemp used to run the Mint sometime in the 1950's. That me on the left of the photo c 1957. We were not allowed downstairs while the pub was open but after closing we were quick to get under the seats picking up coins. The woman in the front of the picture I think may have been...
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    Tracing relatives of Florence Parsons (Nee James)

    I dont know if there is any connection at this stage but this is a photo of the Parsons family at 97 Montgomery St Sparkbrook. Percy Parsons Married Lily kemp and moved into No 99
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    Hevingham family

    Great photo Angie. Are the two ladies at the front any connection ? Many thanks Dave
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    Kynoch's I M I 1950s Onwards

    Group photos of Kynoch Staff mid to late 1950 's. Dad worked in the rolling mills, I dont know if the others are all from this section or other parts of the plant. The first is a social trip to London, the second at the Witton works
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    Descendants of John Grindrod and Fanny Bicknell

    I'm trying to trace descendants of John and Fanny Grindrod of Aston. A Transcript of an article in the Birmingham Papers around 1960 places one of the Daughters in Elkington St. It would have been either Daisy Beasley, Maud Allen or May (Cox or Rainbow. not sure). Any one living close to them in...
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    Kynoch's I M I 1950s Onwards

    Edit. Unfortunately the image is no longer available. Best part of having your dad work at Kynoch's was the Christmas party. Taken c 1955. Anyone recognise themselves ?
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    do any of these names look familiar

    Hiya I have a Mary H Horton, married Leonard Grindrod Aston 1916. They had a child Olive V Grindrod in 1920. Any Connections ? Dave
  14. D

    Hevingham family

    Hello Angie. If your Alice Hevingham married Fred Grindrod, I am Fred's 1st Cousin twice removed. Dave.
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    Hevingham family

    Hi I have a Alice Hevingham, married Frederick Thomas Grindrod in  Aston in 1913. If its of any help you can find more details on www.users.bigpond.net.au/oldkemp. Dave