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Search results

  1. G

    DALMAN (Thomas)

    Thankyou very much for all that information Shera it is a great help Griz
  2. G

    DALMAN (Thomas)

    Hi all I am just getting so much out of the genealogy stuff! I found some details about a new branch of my tree last night (actually very early hours of the morning) and I'm just thrilled... ...Anyway! :-) Two queries really if anyone can help: I have Thomas Dalman (b1821 Derbyshire) ...
  3. G


    Hi there Gimp was developed for Linux which is a different sort of operating system (instead of Micrsoft Windows), so what "windows binary" means on that download page is that they don't offer a windows installer on that site but you can click the link just below that paragraph and you can...
  4. G


    I can recommend: Gimp which is an advanced image editing program https://www.gimp.org/downloads/ Any Audio Converter which lets you convert the format of music files https://www.any-audio-converter.com/ VLC https://www.videolan.org/vlc/download-windows.html for playing just about all...