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Search results

  1. C

    Williams Clive Private 57334 1/8 Royal Warwickshire Regiment

    HELLO! *waves* Hi everyone, how are you all? A further two years pass and I'm back with a little update and probably confusing myself again! However, first of all, I truly hope that everyone is keeping themselves safe in these strange days. An update: Brother, Arthur Swain Williams...
  2. C

    Williams Clive Private 57334 1/8 Royal Warwickshire Regiment

    Merry Christmas to all the wonderful people on here and out there in the real world, all of us searching for something. I hope Father Christmas brings it this year for us all. Nadolig Llawen!
  3. C

    Williams Clive Private 57334 1/8 Royal Warwickshire Regiment

    I want to extend a very big and very grateful and very loving thank you to all those wonderful, kind, and helpful people on here, over the years, and more recently, who have shown me such generosity of spirit. As time passed by I grew ever more concerned about the 100th commemoration of The...
  4. C

    Williams Clive Private 57334 1/8 Royal Warwickshire Regiment

    Thank you, Astoness, you are very kind. If I could find a photo of Clive I would search no further, I'd just like to look him in the eyes
  5. C

    Williams Clive Private 57334 1/8 Royal Warwickshire Regiment

    Sorry I think it was an issue with my server as there are now two docs. Thank you!
  6. C

    Williams Clive Private 57334 1/8 Royal Warwickshire Regiment

    Cheers. May I ask what the third doc is as it won't open?
  7. C

    Williams Clive Private 57334 1/8 Royal Warwickshire Regiment

    Thank you for sharing that - not much for a life. I can only imagine that his mother might have kept that money to one side as the last tangible thing she had of him. Thank you and for your kindness x
  8. C

    Williams Clive Private 57334 1/8 Royal Warwickshire Regiment

    Oh my gosh thank you, thank you MWS and pjmburns for your kindness and this information. I deeply appreciate your assistance and additions. Thank you x
  9. C

    Williams Clive Private 57334 1/8 Royal Warwickshire Regiment

    Tomorrow, 20/11/18, is the 100th commemoration of the death of Clive. I know that someone out there knows about Clive, has a photo, his medals, his memory. Please, I just want to see a photo of him. I will, until my last day, continue to honour Clive's memory. RIP
  10. C

    Williams Clive Private 57334 1/8 Royal Warwickshire Regiment

    As this amazing day of commemoration itself becomes a refrain carried in the wind, I must say that the BBC has done an excellent job today. I wish to extend my grateful thanks to everyone on this site who has directed and assisted and advised me since I first came here in my search for Clive...
  11. C

    Williams Clive Private 57334 1/8 Royal Warwickshire Regiment

    I've no idea how to link a person's name on this forum but I would like to extend a very public thank you to Terry Carter for his kind help and information. Like so many of us on this site and others like it, my only determination is to keep alive the spirit of those who died
  12. C

    Williams Clive Private 57334 1/8 Royal Warwickshire Regiment

    I am looking forward to reading this book as part of my learning about Clive
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    Last week I visited the grave of Private Clive Williams for the first time. While looking for his grave I actually remember seeing the name BUFFERY - I cannot promise it was William, but a small world.
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    57334 Private Clive Williams, 1/8 Royal Warwickshire Regiment, died 20/11/18 of wounds. He rests at peace in Rouen.
  15. C

    Williams Clive Private 57334 1/8 Royal Warwickshire Regiment

    However, isn't it wonderful that PatHayward has provided a photo, and one that features her late father-in-law, who was in the 1/8 Royal Warwickshire Regiment. He probably new 57334 Clive Williams. I know, I feel it, there is a photo out there somewhere. Someone else still honours his memory...
  16. C

    Williams Clive Private 57334 1/8 Royal Warwickshire Regiment

    With the kind permission of member PatHayward, I post here a two-part photograph that Pat believes was taken sometime after 1915 of 1/8 Royal Warwickshire Regiment. This is a very generous offering by PatHayward and I am very grateful. Anyone know any names?
  17. C

    Williams Clive Private 57334 1/8 Royal Warwickshire Regiment

    Oh gosh yes thank you, that sounds very helpful and generous. Thank you.
  18. C

    Williams Clive Private 57334 1/8 Royal Warwickshire Regiment

    Hello, I'm back again! Three years on from last time. On Tuesday 30 October 2018, I travelled to Rouen and visited 57334 Private Clive Williams, 1/8 Royal Warwickshire Regiment's grave for the first time. A truly humbling experience and one full of emotion. I still long for the photograph...
  19. C

    Williams Clive Private 57334 1/8 Royal Warwickshire Regiment

    awww Wendy! Great to see you are still here "Legendary Brummie"! I know I haven't been on for a while, but the search continues :) Hope all is well and dandy with you? x
  20. C

    Williams Clive Private 57334 1/8 Royal Warwickshire Regiment

    Morning! I wonder if the kindly faces are still here - Wendy? It has been three years since I was last on here. Today, 18 May, in 1894, Clive was born. I was thinking, because of all the interest in WWI, that someone might just come forward with the one and only thing I would like - a...