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Search results

  1. M

    Tew Family Forum Search

    Thank you for this information and suggested search terms. I will certainly follow these links and see if the people mentioned fit in with my particular family. Cheers Mike
  2. M

    Tew Family Forum Search

    Thanks oldhawk. I have tried that but it brings up post were the word family is used and my own. What i would have liked to find was any past posts or items which had the word Tew in them. There must be other three letter Surnames where this search limitation would be a problem. There must be...
  3. M

    Tew Family Forum Search

    Hi. My family orginaly came from the Birmingham Area. I thought I would do a search on the "Tew" surname in the forum to see if the name had been mentioned in any posts or topics. However the search facility comes back with the message that the name is too short to use as a search term. Any...
  4. M

    Tew & Pack Coach Builders - Bell Barn Road

    In the late 1800's /early 1900's , my Great Grandfather, Arthur Tew was the major partner in the firm of Birmingham Coach Builders, Tew and Pack with premises at 350 Bell Barn Road. They are listed in several trade directories of the period. His partner was Samuel Pack. Would anyone have any...