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Search results

  1. M

    St Cyprian's Church, Hay Mills

    Well it certainly makes all the difference, it's a little oasis in that industrial area and even if they don't give it too much thought, I imagine it brightens up the day for the men working opposite, who were giving me some funny looks as I went around with my camera.
  2. M

    St Cyprian's Church, Hay Mills

    Part of the garden yesterday.
  3. M

    St Cyprian's Church, Hay Mills

    No, we weren't able to go inside, so hopefully I will be able to go to a future open day.
  4. M

    St Cyprian's Church, Hay Mills

    It was all looking very pretty, a credit to you.
  5. M

    St Cyprian's Church, Hay Mills

    Thanks Grog. If anyone spots a lady in a pink top and long blonde hair, with a camera, that'll be me.:D
  6. M

    St Cyprian's Church, Hay Mills

    My Hubby and I are off on one of our drives out today, so we are intending to go and take some photos of the exterior of the Church, Hall and Cottages and the entrance to the Works. Hope the rain holds off for us. :-)
  7. M

    St Cyprian's Church, Hay Mills

    Well, I'm so pleased I re-opened this thread, we seem to have brought up all sorts of information.
  8. M

    St Cyprian's Church, Hay Mills

    Would the registers from the mid 1800s still be in use?
  9. M

    St Cyprian's Church, Hay Mills

    Yes, Old Boy, I agree with what you say, I didn't understand the reasoning for not being able to do personal searches. What about Bishop Transcripts, do they not exist? I wouldn't be happy with someone esle doing a search for me, as being a touch OCD I really need to be able to do things...
  10. M

    St Cyprian's Church, Hay Mills

    I am no longer a church goer but am very interested in churches, the buildings, the history and the part they played in people's lives and deaths. If there is to be another history day, please post it here as I would love to be able to come. It's really exciting to find a place like this still...
  11. M

    St Cyprian's Church, Hay Mills

    Thanks Phil, I'm sure my cousin will be delighted to see these. GROG, I look forward to seeing your photos, as they are of two different celebrations, one at least must be in addition to the two that Phil has posted. So kind for people to take the time to help in this way.
  12. M

    St Cyprian's Church, Hay Mills

    Thank you. I am researching my cousin's family for him, his Grandmother was Beatrice Horton and she grew up there, with her parents James and Elizabeth Horton. James was a Wire Drawer, obviously at the adjoining factory. They were there on the Census for 1881 and 1891 and James was there in the...
  13. M

    St Cyprian's Church, Hay Mills

    Thanks Len. :)
  14. M

    St Cyprian's Church, Hay Mills

    I am researching family who lived in the Horsfall cottages, which were by the church. The Vicarage looks like a row of cottages, might that have been the Horsfall cottages, or does anyone know where they were?