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Search results

  1. tuoeast

    Ask for help on a bus picture information

    Thank you so much. Do you know the model name of it by the way?
  2. tuoeast

    Ask for help on a bus picture information

    Wow, then it makes sense there is no window in the "bus", thank you sir
  3. tuoeast

    Ask for help on a bus picture information

    Sorry for didn't upload, now it's OK. Appreciate for your reminder.
  4. tuoeast

    Ask for help on a bus picture information

    Does anyone ever seen this bus in Birmingham? I checked it should belong to Birmingham around 1958. Wonder if anyone ever seen this and do you know the model name? Would be appreciate if have more pictures.
  5. tuoeast

    Birmingham Bedstead Factories

    Thanks Richard, it was all by coincidence. Found the root of this brand and lots of old pictures, stories never seen or heard before in this forum. Happy to join this nice and warm forum.
  6. tuoeast

    Birmingham Bedstead Factories

    It's so surprise to find these old pitures through web search, seems Slumberland has very limited distribution in UK nowadays. But in east and south asia it still be one premium mattress brand.