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Search results

  1. G

    St Cyprian's Church, Hay Mills

    Another update for events at St Cyprians we will be having an open day on Saturday 13th September with everyone welcome to attend. On the evening we will having a commemoration of the First World war with some songs from the period and I will be giving a talk on the War memorial with the...
  2. G

    St Cyprian's Church, Hay Mills

    Just resurrecting this thread to give everyone the heads up about St Cyprians 140th anniversary celebrations which are taking place next weekend to coincide with St Cyprians feast day. On Saturday Queen Victoria, accompanied by her personal attendant Mr Brown, will open the events which will...
  3. G

    St Cyprian's Church, Hay Mills

    I've just updated the Christmas events in this thread as some may wish to visit us over the festive season and despite having no vicar we are still open. I still haven't managed to acquire a scanner to scan in the photos I have but I'm still working on it.
  4. G

    St Cyprian's Church, Hay Mills

    Just a bit of an update as I know some people would like to know of events so they can see the church in a non-religious setting so on October 23 there is a Concertina band concert in the church and a Christmas Concert on Friday 10th December 2010 at 7:30 pm for 2 hours Come and join in or...
  5. G

    St Cyprian's Church, Hay Mills

    Motherhen, Thanks for the photo. The old roses do look very nice this time of year. There was a debate about whether they were worth keeping but I persuaded the gardening crew that with a good pruning and regular deadheading they would perform well and they do. We did take a lot out though many...
  6. G

    St Cyprian's Church, Hay Mills

    I am glad you liked the church and the garden, people have put a lot of hardwork into it. It is increasingly difficult with a declining congregation, you can see the area is largely industrial, to keep what really is a little gem of a church going. You don't say if you were able to see inside...
  7. G

    St Cyprian's Church, Hay Mills

    I hope it does too, I was down there yesterday to dead head some roses in the Memorial Garden, small but with a good amount of colour now and in the newly acquired planter under the church sign. Its all double yellow lines by the church, but you can park in front of the schoolroom or just park...
  8. G

    St Cyprian's Church, Hay Mills

    No, this is not the case now. St Chads in Waterloo Road was sold by St Cyps, in 1985 I think, and it is now used by another Christain group. The current vicarage and curate's cottage are the converted cottages next to the church, but these are currently rented out by Webster Horsfall to...
  9. G

    St Cyprian's Church, Hay Mills

    leslam, Thanks for that very helpful, I was under the impression, that people had failed to find the registers at Birmingham Library see post #3 by OldBrummie, which led me to believe we had all of them, as I 've said I've not even seen the registers myself. Certainly EP 88 is the reference I...
  10. G

    St Cyprian's Church, Hay Mills

    No offence taken at all Old Boy, believe me we do share the same view. The issue of the registers has come up because we were handed them when the last Vicar retired and so have had the responsibilty dropped on us as it were. I will make a suggestion to the PCC that they explore the correct way...
  11. G

    St Cyprian's Church, Hay Mills

    I have to say I've been looking into this a bit myself, please remember records offices are not the churches, they are run by proffesional archivists not volunteers, St Cyprians is currently without a vicar so it is entirely run by volunteers. The charges form part of the Church of England...
  12. G

    St Cyprian's Church, Hay Mills

    I'll address some the points made above. Firstly, St Cyprians parish records have not been deposited in the National Archive or Birmingham Library and are still held by the church who are under a legal duty of care to protect the document s themselves and also under a duty of confidentiallity of...
  13. G

    St Cyprian's Church, Hay Mills

    My own thoughts are that it started as Hay Mill in the singular an old spelling is Hemill but whith the development of more pools in the 19th century the plural was added so now it should be Hay Mills. I think the article below goes some way to explain the progression. Taken from...
  14. G

    St Cyprian's Church, Hay Mills

    Hi Both, actually both photos are different to mine which are taken looking in the same direction as the first one, thanks for poosting those Phil, added to my collection. I 've looked for the Horton name on my list of the First World War Memorial with a nil result. I've been researching the...
  15. G

    St Cyprian's Church, Hay Mills

    I have some photogarphs which would interest you which I am restoring for the church at the moment (the frames wer very dirty so I 've taken them out to clean it all up). Anyway they are taken outside the cottages looking down towards the church and are of two different celebratiions, one may be...
  16. G

    St Cyprian's Church, Hay Mills

    Motherhen, Yes the cottages which are now the vcarage were originally individual cottages including two which were between the vicarage and the church. these were destroyed by bombing during WWII. Horsfall's however did provide housing for their workers and the neighbouring roads of terraced...
  17. G

    St Cyprian's Church, Hay Mills

    Hi jenny ann, Thanks for the supportive comments. I do hope we are able to hold another in the near future. I am happy to take requests for searches in the registers via this site or they can be made through the churchwardens whose details can be found on the achurchnearyou...
  18. G

    St Cyprian's Church, Hay Mills

    Just as an update Sundays History Day was a great success and we have been asked to repeat the event in the future. Over 70 people visited the church and had a great day chatting to other about the recollections of the church. There were a number of former Boys Brigade members in attendance as...
  19. G

    St Cyprian's Church, Hay Mills

    Hi OldBrummie, Your welcome you are in a far flung spot out there, do pop by if you mangage to get on the spot at some point in the future. Thanks jennyann yes I am aware of the Britsh History online source as I use it extensively for Wikipaedia articles on local villages as well as the St...
  20. G

    St Cyprian's Church, Hay Mills

    For those interested in details held in the parish registers I have confirmed that the church does hold them. The current fees for searching in church registers are as follows: Searching registers of baptisms for up to one hour £19, £12 of which goes to the diocese £7 to the Parish Council...