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Search results

  1. A

    Birmingham University

    Thank you Janice we're all sorted now and have made a wonderful contact. I wanted to thank you in a private message but that hasn't been possible in your case. This chance dip into the Forum has opened up untold opportunities for our families to maybe get together, to share pictures and...
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    Birmingham University

    Hi Julie how wonderful to have been able to make contact with you. I thought that I was at a dead-end and that you must have left the site. Julie I don't know how this site works but I will see if I can send you a private message to give you my email address. (if not I'll get back to you...
  3. A

    Birmingham University

    William Bick was my grandfather and I was born and lived in the house next door to his home on the Bristol Road in Bournbrook. My sister has the original photograph of grandad standing next to the rock and the one below. William had a number of postcards made of pictures of himself in different...
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    Birmingham University

    Hi as Hi, as a child I remember my mother had huge drawings of the grounds at Birmingham University. I remember them being unrolled across the opened-out kitchen table, the plans had to be held down with heavy things as they kept on springing closed and throwing the salt and pepper pots off. As...
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    Birmingham University

    Hi mikejee thanks for this posting. I wonder if you can help me. William Bick was my grandfather and I'd very much like to make sure that JulieBrum gets to see the post that I uploaded yesterday. (if you read the PDF attached to my yesterdays post you'll understand) My sister Angela, now in her...
  6. A

    Birmingham University

    Hello, my name is Andy Davies and I have a family connection with William Bick. I have prepared and attached a PDF file with some information and photographs that you may find of interest but here is a single image of William Bick and I have at least two more photographs of William in the...