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Search results

  1. J

    Lost Birmingham Pubs

    The Eagle ! - thanks again guys. Much appreciated! John
  2. J

    Lost Birmingham Pubs

    I realise I might now be pushing my luck with all your good nature on here, but I've just found from the 1901 Census that this same James Albert Gough was "PUBLIC HOUSE MANGER (working from home)" at an address given as 60 Schofield Road, Aston/Nechells, Birmingham. Does anyone know if this...
  3. J

    Lost Birmingham Pubs

    Brilliant! Thanks Mikejee - just where you said .
  4. J

    Lost Birmingham Pubs

    Thanks for that Robert. From what I now gather, the Vulcan was at the other end of Barn Street, to where the current Barn pub & grill is - actually on the corner with Fazely Street, wher now stands a black, rather plain looking building which appears to be a snooker hall. Thank you for your...
  5. J

    Lost Birmingham Pubs

    Yes, I absolutely agree Robert. Priceless! Thank you to all who have so quickly stepped up to help me. I think this is so typical of Birmingham people - so willing to help one another out. John Hunt
  6. J

    Lost Birmingham Pubs

    Mikejee - have just looked up that same corner of Barn St & Fazeley St on Google Street View. Looka a bit different these days!
  7. J

    Lost Birmingham Pubs

    Wow, thank you so much Lynn And thank you Mikejee and MWS. Wow, some stuff for me to follow up about his death and bigamous marriage!! Thanks for your great help. Much appreciated. John
  8. J

    Lost Birmingham Pubs

    P.S. Re: "The Vulcan" in Barn Street: I see on Google that there is currently a pub/grill "The Barn" in Barn Street. Could this have been called "The Vulcan" in/around 1915 and renamed at some point? John
  9. J

    Lost Birmingham Pubs

    Hi everyone, I'm new on here, so forgive me if I'm doing this wrong: My relative James Abert Gough b1871- d1919 was Publican/Inn Keeper of at least 3 pubs in Brum in his relatively short life, ie: "The Bridge Tavern" 18 Hunters Road, Hockley ca. +/- 1898. "The Black Horse" 51 Price Street...