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Search results

  1. R

    Handsworth Park Victoria Park Handsworth

    Thanks for the photos of Handsworth Park Oisin. I have not been there for probably 40 years but it reminds me when I used to ride my bike through there early in the morning to the Grove Lane entrance on my way to Handsworth Grammar. Could not ride back home through there as it wasn't allowed.
  2. R

    Soho Road Handsworth

    This photo takes me back! I went to Handsworth Grammar just around the corner on Grove Lane and was caught playing snooker in the snooker hall by the headmaster when I should have been in school. The snooker hall was just up from the junction on the left on Soho Road. This was truly a memory...
  3. R

    Delta Wire, Adderley Street.

    My grandfather was a blacksmith and had a forge at 78 Adderley Street. His house and business was the first one up from Watery Lane. The Barrel pub was across the way. The house was also very close to Delta Wire works. Sadly the house has all been pulled down now to make way for the new road...
  4. R

    Fiction Thriller based in Birmingham

    Thank you Jim. BTW the website is a wonderful treasure trove of memories of Birmingham.
  5. R

    Fiction Thriller based in Birmingham

    Hello, I'm sorry. What should I do now? Thank you, Richard.
  6. R

    Fiction Thriller based in Birmingham

    'The Hybrid Enemy' is a mystery thriller, part of the James Macrae Thriller Series. It is based on a family transportation business set in Birmingham. It's available on Amazon (free if you are a Kindle Unlimited member). If you enjoy thrillers, this could be a good book at bedtime.
  7. R

    Handsworth Grammar School 1950--1960

    Thanks Michael. I'll check it out.
  8. R

    Cherry Orchard School

    Hello John. Gosh I do remember you! What a crazy world we live in today to be able to hook up. Re Cherry Orchard, I believe Lee Childs the author of the Jack Reacher books ( real name James Grant) was two years behind us. He then went to King Edwards Grammar school. I just hope my new thriller...
  9. R

    Handsworth Grammar School 1950--1960

    I was at Handsworth Grammar between 1959 and 1966. These photos sure bring back some memories. I can add my name to the thread having been caned by JJ Walton. He caught us playing snooker in the snooker hall on Soho Road when we should have been in class. Busted again! Anyone know if there is an...
  10. R

    Cherry Orchard School

    I remember her too. She was energetic! The school motto was 'Aim High'. I also left the school in 1959. Maybe we know each other?
  11. R


    Thanks Lyn. Trying to find my way around!
  12. R


    That's a great photo! Thanks. Also reminds me of the car park opposite the Elbow Room. Does anyone remember Albert Chapman who worked there and later owned the club?
  13. R

    Barton's Arms High Street Aston

    Thank you Lyn. It's much appreciated!
  14. R

    Barton's Arms High Street Aston

    I was just doing research on Birmingham (Barton Arms Pub in Aston and Gas Street Basin) for my new book and came across this History Forum. Had to join it and hopefully connect up with old friends. Born in Birmingham, I spent a lot of time at the Elbow Room in Aston and The Old Contemptibles in...