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Search results

  1. Philip Cresswell

    H W Wards Lathe Makers, Selly Oak. Any ex Apprentices out there?

    Hi Peter, so happy to see your name up here. I joined you in R&D from 7D erection, shortly before you left. Dilip joined when you were there. I liked working with you very much. I remember well helping to design and draw up an operating piston for the 7d gearbox ready for an automation. Do you...
  2. Philip Cresswell

    H W Wards Lathe Makers, Selly Oak. Any ex Apprentices out there?

    Hi. We are all still out here, well quite a few! Welcome
  3. Philip Cresswell

    H W Wards Lathe Makers, Selly Oak. Any ex Apprentices out there?

    Hello John, glad this website seems to gather more momentum. I remember calling to collect Pearl premiums from a house opposite yours in Kidderminster after I Ieft Wards and became an Agent. Still keep in touch with Les Wilkes and Dick Page and a whole bunch of ex apprentices. Do you remember...
  4. Philip Cresswell

    Old street pics..

    Can you tell me where this is please. I am a Cresswell born in Northfield but would like to trace my fathers side and there was a Harry (phil@bramleycorner.com) My first home is shown below above the Cafe (886 Bristol Rd)
  5. Philip Cresswell

    H W Wards Lathe Makers, Selly Oak. Any ex Apprentices out there?

    Hi there, I remember Tom very well too during my 3month stint in the Bottom, shop on the ATT section under Eric James. Eileen James (Eric's wife) came under your Dad's section and he did the rounds every day checking everything was OK; We were all beinf "surveyed" by Mr McClaren from his office...
  6. Philip Cresswell

    H W Wards Lathe Makers, Selly Oak. Any ex Apprentices out there?

    Hi David, this must be the David Godwin (Works Mrg) and brother to Mick?? I remember you booking me in the Timehall for being late when I was a young Apprentice. :-o)
  7. Philip Cresswell

    H W Wards Lathe Makers, Selly Oak. Any ex Apprentices out there?

    Hello David, good to see you posting a message. Are you the ex Works Mgr?
  8. Philip Cresswell

    H W Wards Lathe Makers, Selly Oak. Any ex Apprentices out there?

    Hello everyone, I am an ex-apprentice to 1964 to 1970. I started with Lofty Forth, Dick Page, Trevor Kilby, John Day, Dave Duffield, Mike Povey etc at the new Apprentice School in No2 Factory. Phil Luke was in charge (ish) Worked in most sections including 7D Erection with good old Harry...