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Search results

  1. S

    The Eyles family

    oh wow this is wonderful, thank you for helping shed light on this family!
  2. S

    The Eyles family

    Hi everyone, my family found an old photo album with pictures dating back to the 1800s. This album has photos from both the McIlroy and Eyles family. We have been able to find minimal information on the McIlroy family, but next to nothing on the Eyles family apart from their names: Henry Eyles...
  3. S


    hi mollie, my family found a photo album which we believe is of your family the McIlroys and also another family called the Eyles, i know you haven’t been active in a while but it’s worth another shot as my mother has reached out to you before.
  4. S

    Courtyards and yards of brum

    oh wow thank you so much!!
  5. S

    Courtyards and yards of brum

    Hi Berniew, do you happen to have any photos of Forster street in Vauxhall?
  6. S

    Courtyards and yards of brum

    I'm quite a bit late to this thread, but would you happen to have any photos of Forster street?