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Search results

  1. S


    Oh and my Dad still lives in Birmingham in Great Barr near the home that Irving raised them but John Heaton is in Tamworth.
  2. S


    Hi there, This is a complete long shot as your post is old but I believe my father and his brothers are the men you were looking for. My Dad’s oldest brother, John Heaton who is now 80 is the last living Heaton to have worked at the tackle company and he then sold it on. My Dad is the youngest...
  3. S


    My Grandfather was Irving Samuel Heaton, his father I believe was Ralph and Ralph is either then the son of Reuben or his brother but like I say my uncle worked at the company and my Dad can give you much more detail and perhaps find some links to your line.
  4. S


    Hi RainyDay, I have just discovered this feed today and wondered if Beth got back to you at all? I have let my father know of this site also, he will be a lot more help than me but I know He and his brothers are close descendants. We have Heaton coins etc from the mint and tackle from the...