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Search results

  1. BrummyPaul

    Record shop favourites in birmingham

    Nice one knobbydave, well remembered!:)
  2. BrummyPaul

    Memories : Tribute to old Birmingham

    Me too, I wore it with my Chipper Club badge on my blazer! Lovely memories:):)
  3. BrummyPaul

    Memories : Tribute to old Birmingham

    Now there's a great memory - Uncle Holly! :D
  4. BrummyPaul

    Memories : Tribute to old Birmingham

    During the 60's I recall dodging the buses as they turned off New St and up Corporation St. Yes the pavements always seemed to be teeming with people, sometimes shoulder to shoulder. We had to move quite slowly up or down the underpass steps past the Rotunda to the markets, always incredibly...
  5. BrummyPaul

    Home Guard

    Hi GEFF, thank you for replying. Dad was Albert Mould. I don't know exactly what years he served but he was 20 in 1941. I do know he wasn't fit because he suffered dreadfully from asthma. He told me tales of various exercises and of runaway barrage balloons but I never paid enough attention to...
  6. BrummyPaul

    A Christmas Carol

    So many differing opinions, only to be expected I suppose. Like most, I thoroughly enjoy A Christmas Carol in it's classic form. A great tale with a wonderful message. I was concerned when I learned of this adaptation but I just had to watch it. I started a little sceptical but warmed to it...
  7. BrummyPaul

    Murder, Mystery and My Family

    Yes I saw this one. I often watch this series if I can. This episode was fascinating as usual but more so being about a Birmingham case.
  8. BrummyPaul

    Lapel Badges

    :DMy goodness RobT those pictures are fantastic! So many memories from such tiny things. So good of you to find and post them, thank you! Chipper and Uncle Holly - absolutely made my day!
  9. BrummyPaul

    Lapel Badges

    This is a great thread and pictures of these badges have brought back so many memories! Sadly I don't have any photos or any of my old badges but I remember wearing Chipper Club, World Cup Willy, an I-Spy Badge and a Golly badge! And now I've just remembered my Uncle Holly badge I got for...
  10. BrummyPaul

    Think Tank

    I think you're right Spargone. I do honestly understand those that champion the Think Tank kind of thing, I really do. But most little kids are attracted to the play areas which, to be fair, do seem to be themed toward science education. It's an entertainment experience as much as anything. So...
  11. BrummyPaul

    Science Museum Newhall Street

    I remember the old Museum of Science and Industry in Newhall Street very well indeed. I spent many a Sunday there with my dad during the 1960's. It was wonderful. It is no exaggeration to say it proved to be a really important formative part of my life and contributed hugely to my education and...
  12. BrummyPaul

    The Crown The General Elliott Station street.

    Thanks for your response, I do think I have the wrong place and agree that there probably wouldn't have been tables upstairs at Henry's. But I now think the pub I'm looking for was actually on one of the corners on Bristol Street. Either the building on the corner of Horse Fair and Essex Street...
  13. BrummyPaul

    The Crown The General Elliott Station street.

    I used to go to Henrys Blues House in early 70's. If I remember correctly the tables were made of large wooden barrels. Or am I getting confused with somewhere else maybe?
  14. BrummyPaul

    Birmingham black and white in the rain.

    Great photographs and quite powerful in mono in the wet. Some lovely contrasts, especially our Bull!:)
  15. BrummyPaul

    Home Guard

    That's brilliant Chris, thank you very much! I'll let you know.
  16. BrummyPaul

    Home Guard

    Unfortunately my dad passed away in 1975 when I was just 17 or 18. I hadn't the interest prior to that in asking him questions about his experiences during WW2, a common regret I know. However, he did tell me he was in the Home Guard and I think showed me a photo (long since lost) with sergeants...
  17. BrummyPaul

    Gibbs, Joseph. At Debtor's Prison

    Gosh, sounds like the chap had a tough time. Does anyone know when Debtors Prison was done away with? I must admit I don't know anything about this but I guess this was a harsh form of punishment.
  18. BrummyPaul

    The cane at school

    Yeh completely agree, and I'm sure it didn't work because it didn't change my behaviour either. Hence I'm glad it's all in the past as I said.
  19. BrummyPaul

    The cane at school

    I went to Bournville Boys in mid to late 60's and corporal punishment was common. Mainly a ruler across the knuckles or the 'pump' or 'slipper' across the backside. A couple of well aimed chalkboard rubbers too. Just once I had the cane from the deputy head. Six of the best on the backside. It...
  20. BrummyPaul

    Our childhood toys

    Some of my first toy memories from late 50's are of kaleidascopes and a tin plate airplane and a brilliant giant red metal crane with huge wheels. I'm sure it was completely indestructible!