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Search results

  1. L

    Tram routes 1912

    Many thanks for the book suggestions
  2. L

    Tram routes 1912

    Many thanks. This helps.is this from the Birmingham Gazette?
  3. L

    Tram routes 1912

    Thanks. I looked at this but it doesn't give any clear infication of which routes were in operation in 1912 (unless I missed something). the nice little map is for 1930.
  4. L

    Tram routes 1912

    The Coroporation took over all the tram routes and had a monopoly with the City by January 1912. Does anyone have details of the the route network in 1912?
  5. L


    Thanks, Radiorails
  6. L


    Does anyone know when Newbury's became Lewis'. There is a picture from post 1900 of Newbuey's in Old Square (picture claims to be 1910 and the evidence of a steam tram suggests approximately the correct date), yet I've seen other claims that Lewis's in Birmingham was established in the 19th...