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Search results

  1. P

    Lordswood Boys' Technical School

    One other great memory was the upper 6th. Given I was 18 most of that year, it was perfectly legal to head across the road to the pub during lunch hour. Pupils occupied the bar and the teachers the lounge. We basically ignored each other until the A levels were done then actually mingled. You...
  2. P

    Lucas Great King Street memories

    My first full time job was at King Street in the computer department of S&S. This was back in the early 70's when they were running NCR machines. I was there when they upgraded those machines building a spanking new, state of the art, computer room. When the head honchos came to visit, one of...
  3. P

    Lordswood Boys' Technical School

    The other teacher I remember well was Mr. Davies, Head of the Geography department. Late on (5th form), a group of us went with him to walk the Pennine Way camping or stopping at youth hostels. Ironically, the day before we were due to ascend Kinder Scout, Mr Davies turned his ankle negotiating...
  4. P

    Lordswood Boys' Technical School

    I remember Mr Hepton, I had him for 6th form chemistry. He wasn't pleased when he caught us making Fulminate of Mercury in the Lab. I do think though, he was impressed that he managed to cram some knowledge into our heads.
  5. P

    Lordswood Boys' Technical School

    I came across this forum and thread and was starting to think I lived in the twilight zone. Many of the things mentioned I have no memories of, one being the observatory. I was a pupil from 1960 to 67 and, as a member of the 6th form science track was required to take wood working which I...