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Search results

  1. J

    researching children's homes

    My friend was taken into 'voluntary care' in the late 50s/early 60s. She was very little so can't remember where she was (the family lived in Oldbury) and requests Staffs and Birmingham social services have drawn a blank. Has anyone any ideas about how she can find out who dealt with her so that...
  2. J

    Hawthorn House Handsworth

    Wow, very impressive response rate! I haven't inherited his green fingers, sadly! Thank you so much
  3. J

    Hawthorn House Handsworth

    I was told by a family relative that my great Grandfather, John Peevor, was a founder of the Handsworth Flower Show. They lived in Finch Road in 1911 and before that in Friary Road in 1881 so I'm not sure when he was involved with the show and how true the family story is. Does anyone have any...