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Search results

  1. L

    Picture Restoration

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    Picture Restoration

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    Small heath

    VE DAY bordesley park road On second thoughts this was properly the Queens coronation
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    Deykin Avenue School

    this picture is of deakin avenue school christmas 1931 my motherinlaw is in the picture her name was Lilliam Mary Powell
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    Rubery Hill Asylum Hospital

    Hello Pat if you are on facebook look for the Rubery hill hospital site it is a closed site so send in a request for membership. the site is intended for ex staff and patients or people who have a geniune interest in Rubery Hills history. there are some interesting photos going back to its...
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    Rubery Hill Asylum Hospital

    Hello Jess I worked at Ruberyhill for many years and administor a facebook page for that hospital, prior to its closure I presented an visual history of RHH and took and archived many photos prior to that closure .Due to confidentiality I cannot supply photos of Patients but can help with...
  7. L

    Butler Street, Small Heath

    Indeed the two are mixed up most of the later are about Butlet street South which is where the car dealership is now
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    Butler Street, Small Heath

    Hello Cinderella Yes you lived there during its last days, I remember our little garden was the only one with a tree in it as someone else said it had two corner shops by the early sixties one was converted to a bookies and the other one was a general store called I think Fishers, across the...
  9. L

    Butler Street, Small Heath

    Hello Cinderella Yes you lived there during its last days, I remember our little garden was the only one with a tree in it, as someone else said it had two corner shops by the early sixties one was converted to a bookies and the other one was a general store called I think Fishers, across the...
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    Butler Street, Small Heath

    I lived my early life in butler street south leaving in 1964 I too remember playing playing football on the bomb peck I remember Mrs smith lived there I lived at no 12. The highlight of the year was bonfire night when we lit a bonfire on the peck. My uncle lived next door to Mrs smith and I...