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Search results

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    Birmingham Schools Football History / & photos

    My name is Anthony pollard I was in goal for Harborne Hill in that match in 1968. I went on and represented my district team . Remember it well the pitch was thick with mud. I was lucky I got two play at villa park a couple more times with different sides . I also got to play in the docker...
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    Yes and my wife and I also attended that same youth club, as a matter of fact that is where I met my wife.in around 1968.
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    Just looked and there is mews garage paper shop 2 other shops then the chippy then the grocery shop.looking up the high street towards duke of York and prince’s corner. If you go on to google type in old Harborne pictures you will get 100’s of pictures of old Harborne.
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    It went grocery shop,chip shop ,another shop, then paper shop Mews garage. Always remember the bakery on the corner of Lonsdale road opposite the baths made beautiful crusty bread. I used to attend the church opposite Ravenhurst road and a youth club at the back of church in York Street.
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    Birmingham Schools Football History / & photos

    Good evening my name is Anthony Pollard, I played in goal for Harborne Hill and Kings Norton district back in 1967/8 lost the villa cup final 2 0 kings Norton boys. Have a photo somewhere will try to find and post it.
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    I was born 100yds from the sweet shop in 1952 and from what I remember it was called Morgan’s and his son took over and the name changed to Tennants. As for Jennings he took over from Murray that was the chip shop a little lower down the high street. It’s true about the social in Serpentine...
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    Thank`s for that Rosie I had noticed as I walk past there a couple of times a week. Must say thou it will always be known as the Kings Arms to me and Family, having only lived 100 yds from there on Harborne Park Road. Tony
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    I dought our paths crossed as i was only 5 when you left though my Eldest brother Brian Pollard would be of a similar age onlong with the Cockcrofts of serpentine road and Peter Green who lived up the terrace next to Woolworths on the High street you may remember those names or Joey Taylor who...
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    Remember them well used to go in there.My wife was standing outside the sweet shop on a metal coal grid when it collapsed and she fell into the cellar as a child in the late 1950`s. As a 13 year old I used to work in Wrenson`s on Princes Corner and also Murray`s fish and chip shop. Went to St...
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    I went to Station road infant and Junior school in around 1958 and left in 63 My eldest brother went to school in the clock tower on the corner of High street and York street Have lived in and around this area all my life and have plenty of happy memories.
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    I remember it well used to walk past it most days on my way to school Harborne Hill between 1963 to 68.To anyone who remembers it .To all who played at villa park for Harborne hill school I think it was May 8th 1968 and also in the Docker sheild at Edgbaston in the summer of the same year Happy...
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    Down Albert Walk [ THE STUMPS there was a toy shop called Sids he also did Mens haircutting there was also a pet shop a ladies hairdresser. Albert walk was opposite the kings arms the stumps to start albert walk is shown in the picture above. That picture also shows a road opposite which is...
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    For anyone out there Harborne was and still is my stomping ground AS a teen I worked every paper shop in Harborne also Wrensons and Murrays chip shop .The sweet shop was called Morgans then Tennants I have seen Loads of changes down the years I went to Station road Junior and infant schools and...
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    Those toilets have nearly all been converted into sheds there were never any back to back houses down Frankley Terrace I was born in a back to back house in Summerville Terrace back of 47 Harborne Park Road which was owned by the Wedgeburys at the top of our terrace we could climb over the wall...
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    Hi Brum Brum yes the terrace still stands and all houses occupied the swimming baths was pulled down about 3 years ago and a new state of the art swimming pool and gym was built.
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    Call me Tony David the Kings arms is a shell half brick building with no roof . The top end of Harborne has changed beyond belief the site of Murry`s chip shop along where the old Mew`s garage was is now a Old age people`s home The Duke of York is flats