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Search results

  1. cristol

    Photoshop ?

    I would say he is a fair bit taller than the two men either side of him - him and the man to his left in main pic are also in this pic.
  2. cristol

    Photoshop ?

    thanks guys - ah ha - height - that makes sense? He is rather tall - here are pics taken same day with some of the people in the Photo - including the man to the right. Does that help ?
  3. cristol

    Photoshop ?

    This guy
  4. cristol

    Photoshop ?

    And this is the guy that I would like to add to the space in the middle ? This pic was taken on the Same occasion but not very clear? But I will upload a couple more of him that might be of use ?
  5. cristol

    Photoshop ?

    RThis is the main pic
  6. cristol

    Photoshop ?

    Ha ha - was just feeling the water first !
  7. cristol

    Photoshop ?

    Thanks Astoness
  8. cristol

    Photoshop ?

    Hope this is in a relevant forum - mods - feel free to move if you need to. C.
  9. cristol

    Photoshop ?

    hi Some of you very kindly helped me with photo repairs last year. Although this is not actually Birmingham related - I wondered if anyone is able to photoshop someone into a family reunion picture for me. The person in question was the reason for the reunion of long lost cousins and travelled...
  10. cristol

    Picture Restoration

    Thank you so much, these are amazing - I am the little chubby one on the back of the bike ! I can't believe what you have made from a little scrap of photo only about 3 inches X 1 and a half inches!