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Search results

  1. A

    The Valley pub, Billesley

    Lovely, sadly I don't have any family photos of Brum, only holiday snaps. How wonderful it would have been to have a smartphone in the 1950's.
  2. A

    The Valley pub, Billesley

    hello Rita! Do you remember my sister at all, Ann Boodle? She would have been 7/8 and I (John) would have been 3/4 in 1950.
  3. A

    The Valley pub, Billesley

    We were neighbours! I was at 843. I can recall going to a neighbours and having jam on toast, I thought it was lovely, could have been your mom. Best to forget Birmingham City's score!
  4. A

    The Valley pub, Billesley

    Great, number 843 that's us.
  5. A

    The Valley pub, Billesley

    Isn't memory a wonderful thing? I am 74 and am drawing on memories from over 70 years ago. Yet I can't remember what I did yesterday. So wonderful to have found this forum.
  6. A

    The Valley pub, Billesley

    Only name I can recall was a Hugh Moreland?
  7. A

    The Valley pub, Billesley

    I really can't remember, don't know when these prefabs were put up but we must have moved in shortly after. My sister who is 4 years older than me can recall living with our grandparents in Highters Road, because of the shortage of space when I came along I can only assume the council allocated...
  8. A

    The Valley pub, Billesley

    The earliest memories I have as a child is living in the prefabs opposite the Valley pub. I was born in 1946 and assume because of that my parents (dad just out of the navy) managed to get new prefab. Can remember sweet shop opposite, Pop-ins, brook in front, and his terminus. Catching 24 bus to...