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  1. Shortie

    Deciphering help please

    I have received a death certificate with an address on that sounds odd to me. The address is Private Road, West Heath, but I am sure there was not a road named Private, so I am assuming I have read it incorrectly. I thought I had attached the certificate to this posting, but will get it right...
  2. Shortie

    Key Hill Cemetery

    Les, I think the word 'NEW' was used because at that time, cemeteries were new, as a place to be buried, as well as this one being fairly newly opened. There were several tiny ones ealier than the nineteenth century but they were very small ones. Chorlton Row, Rusholme, Mancester is...
  3. Shortie

    Key Hill Cemetery

    I did not intend to imply that work on the trees was imminent, but when the Report was commissioned, prior to the Metro being installed, the remarks were made - basically putting the Council in the picture that at some time in the future they would need removing and/or replacing. My comment was...
  4. Shortie

    Key Hill Cemetery

    They are not planning to do a mass destruction of trees, but in the report of 1996, it was clearly stated that the trees are nearing the end of their lives. Some have come down of their own accord, at least two during my four years of chairmanship. I do know of a couple of new ones planted, so...
  5. Shortie

    trying to find out any details of a stillbirth

    Sandra we were speaking about babies being buried in a coffin along with someone else. which is the 'urban myth' Children were always charged much less for anyway and in all the Birmingham cemeteries there are graes full of little babies either stillborn or died very young. They were usually...
  6. Shortie

    Key Hill Cemetery

    The question of CCTV was raised some years ago for Key Hill. Unfortunately, apart from the expense, Conservation won't countanance such a thing in an historic place. I think it has something to do with the fact that it would not look quite right. I am not sure I agree with that, however...
  7. Shortie

    Dixon Joseph Gt Hampton Street

    Yes Jan, he did a lot of poetry. I have tried to include some, but it would be easy to make the book just about Joseph, which I can't afford to. This one is particularly lovely. I think he was an exceedingly nice chap. I shall send you a private message later, have to go out now. Shortie
  8. Shortie

    Dixon Joseph Gt Hampton Street

    Re: Joseph Dixon, Gt Hampton Street Hi Jan Jan, I did not think I had been any help, but thanks, you are welcome. Pam Meredith is descended from Joseph Dixon or if not her, her husband is. That's why she did the research. I find him fascinating. I started to write a book on Key Hill, or...
  9. Shortie

    trying to find out any details of a stillbirth

    Sooty, I had heard this many times, however, one of the ladies who works at Witton Cemetery, Heather Robertson, used to give talks to societies and charities on burials and she said it is an 'urban myth'. Babies are always in their own coffins with their own separate burial entry.
  10. Shortie

    Dixon Joseph Gt Hampton Street

    Re: Joseph Dixon, Gt Hampton Street Hallo Pall13 - I hve a copy of one of Joseph's diaries. As you say, it is very clear that he adored Bernice, and he also adored his children too. Joseph lived at several addresses in Great Hampton Street, not just at No 95. I would suggest that the reason...
  11. Shortie


    Judy I don't think we ever appreciate things like that as youngsters, there are more important things to do! I can imagine Boulton's bedroom being able to cope easily with quite a few beds, as you say, it is a very large room. I didn't know about Lady Hamilton though, I suspect they only tell...
  12. Shortie

    Cure for a powk. [eyelid pimple]

    I had loads of styes when I was small, I was prescribed Golden Eye Ointment, but it did nothing for the pain!
  13. Shortie

    Endowment policies.

    Yes, Pearl Insurance is still going. My mother also took a policy out for me that she paid a farthing a week into, obviously that did not bring in much when I cashed it in in 2007, but it was better than a smack in the eye with a wet fish. One thing which is not actually an endowment, but...
  14. Shortie


    Oh Judy, how lucky you were to be able to sleep in that house! One of the things that is in the book, without giving much away, is a part where Sheena Mason talks about a meal that was eaten someone by Matt Boulton, possibly with Anne. The cost is mentioned, as I think it was diarised - and it...
  15. Shortie

    Soho Road Handsworth

    I have never been a market shopper so I don't remember the market at all really. I may have gone in there once or twice, but that's about it, and sorry, don't remember the jewellery stall at all.
  16. Shortie


    Oh I know it's still there, I am in the area fairly frequently for one thing or another - I meant the bridge in the picture may have been an aquaduct, not the Ninevah Road one. I am now wondering if it will be a railway bridge - Bull Baiting was illegal by 1842, so it is more likely to be an...
  17. Shortie


    The Bull Baiting one is a puzzle. There is a bridge at the bottom end of Ninevah Road, but there is a hill and this photo does not show any incline. Not sure if this is a railway bridge or an aquaduct.
  18. Shortie


    The last photo is really lovely - this is by what is now The Endwood pub, the lych gate of the church on the right. Endwood Court Road still looks almost the same but not quite as tidy. (No 's' in the name Endwood). The JJ Hughes picture is of a farm in Wood Lane, the cottages still exist...
  19. Shortie

    Soho Road Handsworth

    My sister in law worked on the market for many years on Saturdays only, selling tights and stockings.. Sue - the name Webster does not mean a thing, sorry.
  20. Shortie

    Broad Street

    What I always find amusing is that Boots had 'cash chemist' on the sign - what was the alternative I wonder? Talc and eardrops on the never never?