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Search results

  1. Shortie

    F H Manley & Sons, Photographer

    Thank you Mike for looking. I shall pass this on to the owner of the photograph - she has relatives of that name living in Hay Mills and wondered if it was a relative. Still no nearer, but perhaps a little light has been shone. Shortie
  2. Shortie

    F H Manley & Sons, Photographer

    Can anyone tell me what years photographers F H Manley & Sons were trading at Coventry Road, Hay Mills please. From the look of the photo (not in my possession) the clothing looks about WW1 style.
  3. Shortie

    Jails Gaols Prisons

    There was once a gaol in Moor Street, but that was in the early 1800's. I have heard quite a few stories about buildings that were apparently once gaols. One lady who came to clean the building I worked in in Waterloo Street told me that there was one in George Street off Newhall Street - she...
  4. Shortie

    18 highcroft road

    Just had another thought on this subject - my late father in law was diagnosed in the 1960's with what was then called Senile Diabetes - now we know that as Type 2. Senile meaning late-onset one would think - he was only in his 40's at the time, and certainly not demented. Then I thought that...
  5. Shortie

    18 highcroft road

    Maggiebee - the DC I have also says senility, however, he had bronchial pneumonia, myocardial degeneration, and arterial stenosis too. I did wonder if the 'senility' was just the fact he was old. His grandson who is still alive at nearly 98 does not remember any mental incapacity at all, and...
  6. Shortie

    Slade Lane Roughley

    Nice offer Pam, thanks. I wonder if numbers have been allocated as if there WERE once more cottages? Seems a bit bizarre, but you never know.
  7. Shortie

    Stitchers stitchings

    Well Stitcher, I thought the one I am doing was hard work, but that would beat me, no problem. You must have loads of patience!
  8. Shortie

    Items that have faded away

    My husband used to have 'The Radiant Way' books at school. I still have one of the cards sent home saying what book he was on. I can't remember any books I read at al, but Janet and John does come to mind.
  9. Shortie

    Slade Lane Roughley

    Pam, I was not thinking of books, libraries usually have maps of the area, although small ones don't always. Maps can often tell you quite a bit, including how many cottages there were originally, and if there are several maps, you can find out approximately when demolition took place...
  10. Shortie

    Slade Lane Roughley

    Where have you looked for info Pam? I know Sutton library has now closed, so you won't find anything out from there any more, but Birmingham might have some details. Unfortunately what you can get there is now very limited until the move to the new building.
  11. Shortie


    Oh Carol I am jealous!!! I was due to go but I hurt my knee (just walking to my daughter's house) and I cannot weight-bear. As a consequence I am a tad cross as you can imagine. Nice for you to win a prize on your first meet, how lucky is that? Hopefully next time I will be in better...
  12. Shortie

    Clothes & shoes of yesteryear

    My husband in the early 60's wore a suit jacket with pale blue jeans - his father used to call it his 'cowboy outfit'. He started work in August 1963 - an apprenticeship, but one where he had to wear a suit, although for his college days it was back to the jeans, etc. He still feels happier in...
  13. Shortie

    Clothes & shoes of yesteryear

    Well Jim, I never buy anything made of wool as I am allergic to it, but whatever you buy, cheap or expensive, nearly always balls. I bought several M&S cardigans during the winter, only worn them about twice each and they are rubbing up already. They were not expensive, but it's very...
  14. Shortie

    Brummie sayings & language

    My mum also used to say 'lugs' - I always thought it was gross, sounds too much like 'slugs' to me so I always refer/ed to them as 'knots'. I think it might be a brummie word, I have never heard anyone else using it.
  15. Shortie

    Clothes & shoes of yesteryear

    Jim, I am sure they will, especially given as a lot of clothes today are what I can only describe as 'raggy'. I would rather die than wear clothes like some of the kids go out in today. Midriffs bare, builder's bums - of course they will have a laugh, and I am sure a lot will be embarrassed.
  16. Shortie

    Clothes & shoes of yesteryear

    In the early 1960's my husband wanted a pair of drainpipe trousers but his mother either did not want to pay the general price for them or perhaps had not got any spare cash at the time. She was out shopping one day and saw a pair of cavalry twill trousers which she thought she could taper, so...
  17. Shortie

    Clothes & shoes of yesteryear

    I loved empire line dresses -I am short and therefore my waist is just under my armpits, so empire suits me just fine! Tights I was not keen on for years, because they did not make them for those with very short legs, hence the reason I looked like Norah Batty for a very long time. LOL
  18. Shortie

    City Centre Photographs

    I have been trying to remember exactly where I saw these - my husband remembers them too, but he cannot think exactly where they were.
  19. Shortie


    Yes Lyn, looking forward to it. I had an amazing Monday afternoon, must tell you about it. Only just come down to earth and all to do with family history, not the lottery!
  20. Shortie


    Well just for the record, I shall be wearing proper clothing, no shorts for me - not a pretty sight!!!!!! LOL