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Search results

  1. B

    Bombay Mix

    I am not a great fan either, to quote Jasper Carrot " Bombay mix is like the contents of an Indian restaurant's Hoover bag" Bob
  2. B

    National Trust Back To Backs Inge Street

    Thanks Mike, as you say it's a bit confusing that there appears to be no back houses behind 29, just re-checked birth certificate and definitely is 2/29. I can't think what else it can mean. I have just looked at Street view and the building on the corner looks like an ex Victorian pub from the...
  3. B

    National Trust Back To Backs Inge Street

    Mike, I would like to know where 2/29 Inge Street was, if you could help. My father was born there in November 1914. Bob
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    Mary Street School Balsall Heath

    My post #3 was asking for any class pictures from Mary Street, I have not found any of these but I did come across a picture of the staff from about 1960, many faces I recall. Does anyone else remember these teachers...
  5. B

    Birmingham's Image And Status

    About 20 years ago I worked in Essex and travelled up and down Monday and Friday. I lived in Solihull which was always referred to as Birmingham by my colleagues in a joking way. I was on holiday at Whitson and took a call from my boss while in the garden. What’s all that racket, are you in an...
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    Lincoln Street Motors

    This thread takes me back to my early teens, my friend lived in Wenman Street Balsall Heath between Pearson Street and Edward Road and Lincoln Street Motors had a repair place between his house and Edward Road. As car mad kids we would always be looking at the American cars which were usually...
  7. B

    Mary Street School Balsall Heath

    Mike, I think you are right, there was a "new" playground behind and below the prefab type classrooms which faced Mary Street, south of the main school. If it is the backs of the Victoria Place houses (can't really tell) that are backing on to the playground in your photo ,that's the answer...
  8. B

    Mary Street School Balsall Heath

    Mike, I agree all pictures on #8 are Mary Street School and are just as I remember it, it was the one on#6 that did not seem to be so to me especially the rear of the houses opposite. Bob
  9. B

    Mary Street School Balsall Heath

    sorry, correction should have been Upper Cox Street not Cox Street West. Bob
  10. B

    Mary Street School Balsall Heath

    Hi Carolina, I don't think that is Mary Street School, I can't think where you would be looking at the backs of houses through the playground. I think you would be looking at the front of the houses in Cox Street West from the back of the school across the playground. Bob
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    Mary Street School Balsall Heath

    Mary Street School, Balsall Heath - class photographs I attended Mary Street School from 1954 to 1961. I have many memories of teachers and pupils but do not have any class/ group photos and cannot find any on websites, although there are some from earlier. I have a couple of individual photos...
  12. B

    Various brum pubs

    I remember the New Inns Moseley Road/Edward Road (post 32) as the place we would go at about 10 pm after a shift as a pump attendant at St Pauls Garage in about 1966/67. One memorable night while having a quick pint I saw the doors to the bar being bolted shut as a “Wild West” fight started...
  13. B

    Paternoster Lifts

    As Aston engineering students in 1969/73 who should have known better, we found it very funny to play sardines and overload the Paternosters and/or hold people in on top floor so they went over the top and when they were there, trigger the emergency stop switch (operated by pulling the board...
  14. B

    birmingham 1969-73

    Hi Mr Wombat, Very interesting to read your recent posts, I lived in Gosford Street and went to Mary Street School from 54 to 61 and was for a time I think in your class with the others you mention, although I don’t remember David Smith. I assume you are DT I won’t use your name. If my memory...
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    Kensington gardens

    Does anyone have any stories or pictures of KensingtonGardens Balsall Heath, I had some friends there and it was always a playground
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    Health and safety in the 1950’s

    Health and safety in the 1950’s I had my grandchildren round for a birthday party in thegarden a week ago, I was watching the antics and I thought of the things thatwe used to do in 50’s when I lived in Gosford Street Balsall Heath. Fewexamples: · Dropping walls, there were some beauties...
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    Wilkes and Godwin

    I wonder if anyone knows anything or has any pictures ofthis plating/polishing company, which was based in Charles Henry Street. Myfather Lewis James worked there from the 50’s until his death in the late 60’s,ending up as some kind of supervisor/manager. I went there a few times as asmall child...
  18. B

    Various brum pubs

    thanks Phil, this was bugging me, for no good reason, but I am now sorted regards Bob
  19. B

    Various brum pubs

    Does any remember the little pub in Clifton Road Balsall Heath between Moseley Road and the railway bridge. My aunt and uncle lived at number 50, right next to the bridge and the alley to Lime Grove and I passed it hundreds of times. My memory is that it was called the Prince of Wales but I...
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    Alfred Street, Sparkbrook

    Hi Sue, thanks for the reply, I am glad to hear that William is happy and doing what he wants, long may it continue. I am recently retired and enjoying life, all the best for the future. Bob