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Search results

  1. J

    Dixon Joseph Gt Hampton Street

    Hello Jan Lovely to hear from you. Yes it would be great to meet up and share info! You are right that Cornelius did move to Hull, and his family remained there - my grandfather left Hull in the 1920s I believe, and came down south, where he met my Grandmother. Unfortunately I never met him...
  2. J

    Dixon Joseph Gt Hampton Street

    Hi Jan Great to hear from you! You won't believe this but I am also in Chelmsford! Small world.. I am descended via Joseph and Bernice's son Cornelius Ernest & Betsey Inshaw, (the Inshaws are also an interesting bunch!), down through the McClarrons. It would be lovely to see your photos. I...
  3. J

    Dixon Joseph Gt Hampton Street

    Hi, I have just joined your forum - (new to this, not quite sure what I'm doing!) - I am yet another descendant of Joseph Dixon, he was my 4x gt grandfather. I knew about the journals but have not had a chance to visit Birmingham yet (like another descendant on here I also live in Essex). Due...