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Search results

  1. D

    Bracebridge Street

    Lady Penelope Very interesting, I hope my posts have helped. Dave B.
  2. D

    Bracebridge Street

    Lady Penelope If you look at the map, second to last picture in post 100, you will see that the café appears to be 76 St. Stephens Street but cannot see a number for Bracebridge Street. I used to live at 160 Bracebridge Street so I am quite sure of the info in my posts. Best wishes Dave B. (DJB)
  3. D

    Bracebridge Street

    Hi Lady Penelope The café is on the corner of Bracebridge Street and St. Stephens Street before the development of the Royal Mail Sorting office that swallowed up the part of Bracebridge Street between the bottom of St. Stephens Street / Elkington Street and New Town Row (the A34). It was at...
  4. D

    BhF Christmas Meet 2014 On the Day

    Hi All Sorry I'm very late posting but it has been a busy week as my wife turns 60 this weekend. Thanks for a great first Christmas gathering at a great pub with good beer and food. Thanks also to Astoness, Vivienne14, Wendy and Postie for their company and conversation. Have a great...
  5. D

    Deykin Avenue

    Hi Lyn Thanks for your response, I did realise that Denise (not Dennis) was posting as a guest but hoped that someone might know where she is. Her full name when my wife Linda knew her in Deykin Avenue was Denise Wiseman and two of her brothers were paperboys at the paper shop that Linda's Mom &...
  6. D

    Deykin Avenue

    Hi Could anyone tell me if and how it might be possible to contact Denise H who logged on as a guest and added postings #19, #25, #28, #30? I ask because my wife Linda is the Linda Dunn that she refers to in post #19. Thanks in advance Dave Bunford
  7. D

    Bracebridge Street

    Lyn Thanks again, there are so many great threads that I have hardly "scratched the surface" if you know what I mean. No I hadn't looked at that thread but a quick look now reveals many fab photos of places that I remember from my younger days. I will visit it again and read all of the comments...
  8. D

    Bracebridge Street

    Mikejee Thanks for posting the maps especially the one with 160 highlighted as that is where I lived until I was 23. I had looked at your earlier posted maps and did think that I recognised 160 due to the way the garden narrowed on the right-hand side due to the high boundary wall of the factory...
  9. D

    Bracebridge Street

    Doug I don't know if this will help but go to page one of this thread and look at the messages as there are a couple of maps of Aston with Bracebridge Street shown. I lived at 160 which is opposite the Brass Foundry and if I remember correctly no 71 is shaded in red. You map be able to identify...
  10. D

    Bracebridge Street

    Mikejee Many thanks for the information, I will have a look at the two sites you mention and also eBay. Cheers Dave Bunford
  11. D

    Bracebridge Street

    Geoff Peter was my best friend, my first wife and I spent out honeymoon with him and his wife in Cornwall where he was stationed. Is he still about, if so how can you give me some contact details. You also had a sister who we called Bonny, this is a photo of Bonny, my sister Lesley, myself...
  12. D

    Bracebridge Street

    Mikejee, where do you get these maps from as I lived at 160 Bracebridge Street and would like to obtain old maps and photos of my old home plus the immediate locality? Thanks David Bunford
  13. D

    Bracebridge Street

    I have just found this site and it is great to see pictures of my old haunt Bracebridge Street having lived at no 160 from 1948 - 1969 with my sister Lesley and Mom & Dad (Joan & Samuel Herbert (known as Bert). I went to Elkington Street School, then Summer Lane and finally Holte Grammer...