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Search results

  1. C

    Williams Clive Private 57334 1/8 Royal Warwickshire Regiment

    Thank you, Wendy. Kind and comforting words. You are a warming glow in an oft cold and lonely place! Sadly, I no longer have the email of the person who had kindly written to me to tell me this major, but unhelpful, news. You know, if I could find a photograph of Clive, just so I can see his...
  2. C

    Williams Clive Private 57334 1/8 Royal Warwickshire Regiment

    I've been out of touch with this for a while. I often find when, on the verge of a research discovery, which then does not sit 'true', that it drains me emotionally and I walk away. I know that someone out there knows Clive, has his medals and a photo. I know that to be true. I was told a...
  3. C

    Williams Clive Private 57334 1/8 Royal Warwickshire Regiment

    Thanks! It's one of those things isn't it. A real shame as that contact and article made Clive touchable... Although not sure how there could be two possible marriage connections when the person who actually married Dr Daniel was a completely different name! But we dust ourselves off and try...
  4. C

    Williams Clive Private 57334 1/8 Royal Warwickshire Regiment

    UPDATE Further to all the enthusiasm above... I received the following email from Claire MacTavish, as mentioned in the article (g-daughter of Dr McColl). Back to the drawing board! "Dear Clive Thank you for your message. I am the person you are after, one of the grandchildren of Daniel...
  5. C

    Williams Clive Private 57334 1/8 Royal Warwickshire Regiment

    Hello, hello. Just to update: there is no update. I hope the paper or family will reflect and come back in positive terms.
  6. C

    Williams Clive Private 57334 1/8 Royal Warwickshire Regiment

    As soon as I get information it's acted upon. I'm not one to sit back and wonder if I shoudl contact... aware of emotions in this situation, I've obviously been respectful. But one should always act quickly. Wendy I really am grateful. I owe you a sandwich... now where's my Boots loyalty...
  7. C

    Williams Clive Private 57334 1/8 Royal Warwickshire Regiment

    OH MY WORD! I really do not know what to say, Wendy... this is simply amazing and by far the biggest lead I've experienced on my search. Thank golly you had lunch! Seriously, thank you very much. I telephoned the paper, but the reporter is away until Monday. However, I've already tracked...
  8. C

    Williams Clive Private 57334 1/8 Royal Warwickshire Regiment

    Hello, Hello, Thank you, Colin for the link. Already contacted them and had a lovely reply today which is cut and paste here: Hi Clive Thanks for getting in touch, I've had a read through the posts on the Birmingham History forum, that's a sad story. I'm afraid I don't have those medals, if...
  9. C

    Williams Clive Private 57334 1/8 Royal Warwickshire Regiment

    Thank you. Not quite what I thought! Interesting to see though. Now try and find a photo of Clive!!!!
  10. C

    Williams Clive Private 57334 1/8 Royal Warwickshire Regiment

    Wendy, that is terrible and must have been such a shock. I do not know why people perpetrate a crime: an opportunity at that moment? To to feed an addiction? To reduce a debt? But these criminals never realise the sentimental or emotional connection associated with an object, they just see...
  11. C

    Williams Clive Private 57334 1/8 Royal Warwickshire Regiment

    Wendy, what a very informative and touching read. I cried at the end reading that Connie had died, but pleased she had managed to visit her father's grave. "...when you live in the hearts of those you love Remember then you never die."
  12. C

    Williams Clive Private 57334 1/8 Royal Warwickshire Regiment

    Hi Wendy, What an exceptionally touching story you tell. I can only imagine how difficult, how emotional, yet how essential, the visit to Mr Pockett's grave must be, especially for your mother-in-law. To lose her father at such a young age must have been terrible... to lose him in such...
  13. C

    Royal Warwickshire 1/8 Battalion

    https://forum.birminghamhistory.co.uk/showthread.php?t=37936&p=417878#post417878 Sorry, I should have posted this topic in this forum, not in lost families. I posted where I did in case someone recognised the name or details. My apologies. Am I able to transfer the thread to here?
  14. C

    Williams Clive Private 57334 1/8 Royal Warwickshire Regiment

    Hello Mistress Brummie, or may I call you Wendy? I'm Clive. Thank you for a lovely post and for your kind comments, suggestions and offers. What an interesting story about your husband's grandfather's medals. Which one's was he awarded? Did he die in the war? It must be a real joy for them...
  15. C

    Williams Clive Private 57334 1/8 Royal Warwickshire Regiment

    130-odd views but no replies suggests no one has information. With a week to Remembrance Day my search for Clive continues. However, I know as fact that someone out there has Clive's medals and knows more about him. A poppy wreath will be laid at Clive's grave this year, as every year. One...
  16. C

    Williams Clive Private 57334 1/8 Royal Warwickshire Regiment

    My family is fortunate not to have endured any casualties during either the First or the Second World War. After many years of attending the Cenotaph in London, I realised that I wanted to focus my remembrance on one particular service person, and see if anyone that shared my name was killed in...