Hi I am looking for anyone who has any memorabilia regarding the old Scott Arms, back in the day before all the changes happened. Especially when the motorway, Jnct 7 had a massive effect on this once beautiful village!!
My dad lived at 92 Birmingham road, and went to St Margaret's school and then Blue Coat, Head master Mr Tench.. My dad sadly lost his brother in the 1934 just before his 7th birthday. when he was killed outside where he lived. Hit by car travelling salesman, while playing out on his return from sandpits, the driver tried to miss him, but sadly he was killed.This was in the days when traffic was much less and there was no motorway!
Birmingham road was not a lucky place for the Wilkins family, as in 1953 during the Queen's Coronation, my mom and dad, lost their first baby. Also named Susan, due to the G.P refusing to come and help out with difficult breach birth. He called for ambulance, but at the time that service came further a field in Bloxwich.
An inquest into her death established that although, the doctor should have come to assist the birth it was suggested that if the Emergency Ambulance had come from Walsall, she may have been saved. There were changes made due to this inquest to direct emergency services from Walsall and not Bloxwich.
In 1988, my nan also got killed just 50 yards from where she lost Reggie.. A bike and car racing one another from the previous lights near the Catholic church was going to fast to miss her! She never regained consciousness and later died in hospital.
Although, these were sad memories, I grew to love the Scotts Arms and its history.
Especially Redhouse Park and the Beacon Cinema, where as a family we spent so much time! Beacon Pub was a memory for my dad as he played cricket there.. He started writing a story about a young chap days who came from a little hamlet village and antic's he got up and I guess the guy he was writing about was him! I must try and look through it and take some pieces of interest when I can!