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TILTON Road, Small Heath

terry carter

Birmingham Pals
Can a forum member with a good map of Tilton Road, showing all the names of the "Places" "Terraces" that come off Tilton Road i.e Tintern Place, Osbourne, Stanley etc etc


Hi Terry

I do have a map of Tilton Rd with the names of the terraces on...but I have no idea how to post it I can send it by email if you want ?

I'd love to know where Stanley Place was as my grandfather was there in the 1911 census. Pat, I do have a map but without the names, please could you describe where it is on Tilton Rd?


According to this 1889 map when Tilton Rd was called Kelynge Street, Stanley Place was the third terrace up from Garrison Street on the right.


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Hi Paul,

The only names I can see are Florence, Marricon, Clifton & Tintern Place.. I don't see Osbourne or Stanley that Terry mentioned & they are all back onto the blues ground.. I will look to see if they are on any other maps we have, the one map we have wassurveyed in1887/88 & Tilton rd the was called Kelynce street ? on the revised 1903 map it was Tilton rd,sorry I can't be of any more help.

Regards Pat
Thanks Phil and Pat!

Do those small circles represent trees? If so, it would be quite nice by back-to-back standards, and better than I expected.


I had a school friend that lived in one of the terraces somewhere near the Williams factory, don't remember any trees in that one, but I do remember the ornaments on the shelf jumping up, when the big Drop forge hammer was working.
this was in the late 'forties'
Hi Paul,

You may find this website interesting ? www.freecen.org.uk. click search database. Dont fill in the left hand side leave it at 1891...where it says street put Kelynge street (this was Tilton rd in 1891) where it says census place put Warwickshire, then click search, you should then come up with a family name Hughes..click on household then keep clicking next household till you get to Stanley Place ...before that you pass Scott Place, Florence, Marrion, then Stanley ?? it takes a bit of patience but you may find who was living in you granfathers house in 1891.

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Thanks Pat

As I use Ancestry I hadn't tried that website. My ancestors were't there in 1891, but I will see if any of their neighbours were there for a long time.


Insulated meat lorry demolished the shop front of a general stores at 33 Tilton Road, Small Heath, Birmingham.
(January 1950, Evening Despatch)

If anyone has any pictures that show T. Williams forge I’d hugely appreciate it if you could show them here.
An aerial view (1934) & map of Tilton Road (1950s), unfortunately all the photographs are centred around the Whitworth Works and do not show the southern end of Tilton Road


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A couple of photographs of Tilton Road the other side of Garrison Lane (the part not shown on the aerial photograph). Tilton Road school is still there, part of it is now a mosque.


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