Hi Derek, Delboy0127
I was a GKN apprentice with Haddon and Stokes and was sent witha few others apprentices to Heath Street training school (which was considereda centre of excellence) for a few months in 1966/67. I worked my way throughthe training school doing fitting with Joe Harris, Turning with Sid Rudge andmilling with a man whose name I cannot remember. I found the place a greatplace to learn and the 3 instructors were good craftsmen with a good attitude,but I recall there was very little messing about allowed. Of the Heath Streetapprentices that were there at the time I can only remember a couple of namesMalcolm Law and I think (Mick) Bates who were the same year as me.
The reason I joinedGKN when there were plenty of other opportunities (how different to today) wasbecause a lad who lived in my street and went to my school but was a couple ofyears older than me, became a Heath Street apprentice and said GKN was a goodplace to work. When he finished his time I think he worked as an auto setter inthe Nut Shop at Heath Street, his name was Michael King, who I have not seensince those days. If you were 1961 to 66 you might have known him. This threadhas jogged a few memories, Bob James