My brother and l lived in copeley street a cul-de-sac and numerous had different shelters we had a Anderson and some had a Morrison one, because those houses did have a cellar....,lremember the first raid on Brum, my dad grabbed my brother and l and rushed us down
the shelter, later on we only went down when we heard the guns...then in 1940, Aston got hit real hard my g/f who was in the WW1 needed to get out of the city l guess he had some PTSD, so our g/ps took us the countryside. to a village of Dorsington where we spent the next 2yrs plus and had a wonderful time, but what a culter, shock no electricity, no running water and a loo down the garden, we went to school in wagon and horse
but of course it was a big adventer to us, my dad who was a fireman who never talked about some of the scenes he saw he would get to upset,
,we would play in the shelter ,as soon as the war was over dad dug the shelter up and turned it into a shed.