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The Midland Hotel (Burlington Hotel)

I am trying to find any records of workers around the time of 1927,
My late mother was
Place into a convent and later was put into care of a gentleman who was working at the Midland hotel,
I would suspect she worked in the Laundry dept
Thank you
When this hotel was first built it would have had a much more open aspect on the Navigation Street side. (See drawing in post #30). That would explain the impressive features of the building and the large stone Midland Hotel sign still visible on that side today. Over time the street has become more enclosed but there are still tell-tale features of its former use as a key hotel entrance from New Street Station. Viv.

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That is how I remember it in the 1970s, so probably a bit after the old station was demolished
I am trying to find any information about The Midland Hotel prior to WWI. One of my wife's family married a man believed to have been German or of German origin. He worked at The Midland Hotel and was high up in a management or Head Chef position. He emigrated to Chicago or other US City prior to war breaking out in 1914.

If anyone has any information or knows where I might be able to look - please get in touch.
I couldn’t believe your above request. I too am looking for information regarding a Max Oswald Doring who was a clerk at the hotel prior to WW1. He was a POW Isle of Man no 37,000. He married a Helen Patterson Muirhead from Edinburgh who might also have worked in the hotel. They were the parents of my aunt Eva and her brother Paul Doring who went down with the Bismarck in 1941.
Both Max and Helen died in Hamburg in 1945. The only item Eva found in the rubble of their apartment was a brass ashtray of Burns Cottage.
Again any information regarding employees at the hotel, gratefully received.
Strangely Max does not appear in the 1911 census.
I couldn’t believe your above request. I too am looking for information regarding a Max Oswald Doring who was a clerk at the hotel prior to WW1. He was a POW Isle of Man no 37,000. He married a Helen Patterson Muirhead from Edinburgh who might also have worked in the hotel. They were the parents of my aunt Eva and her brother Paul Doring who went down with the Bismarck in 1941.
Both Max and Helen died in Hamburg in 1945. The only item Eva found in the rubble of their apartment was a brass ashtray of Burns Cottage.
Again any information regarding employees at the hotel, gratefully received.
Strangely Max does not appear in the 1911 census.
As the census records people who were living/staying at an address on the census day itself, it may have been Max was elsewhere on the census day, if he was not recorded. Sorry, if I'm stating the obvious.