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wragg family HOLTE RD


master brummie
Has anyone any information on the WRAGG family who lived in HOLTE ROAD ASTON in the 1920's I think it was number.
I have aquired a photo of them but we do not know the names.
I did a bit of Research for the Green Family who had Wragg's in their Tree
James Fredrick Albert & Harriet 4 court 29 Cromwell St
Alfred & Laura 210 Farm st
Julia, William and Samuel 103 Dartmouth St
George Henry, Elizabeth Jesse 41 Oliver St
Joseph Oliver, Jane &Albert Edward 65 Great Lister St
Robert Edwin & Elizabeth 3 Eli Place, Richard St
Charles & Emily 1 Court 1 Richard St
.wragg Family

Thanks for your quick reply,can you tell me what book you found the information from, I am trying to trace the WRAGG FAMILY alot of them came from the ASTON area. That book looks facinating.
Hi Cromwell.
Thanks for your reply,
I am currently trying to do three WRAGG TREES, trying to tie them up is proving difficult.
At the momment the names you have given to me I cannot find a connection,
but will keep on file, for a later date.
Thanks once again .
Sandra...Its from the 1920 Electoral Roll Book....located in Birmingham Central Library........A few years back I did a small project for the main Astonbrook site, which was to try to list all the surnames of the families that lived in Aston in 1920.....,
A brilliant job too JKC. I remember the thrill when I found my grandparents listed in Bevington Road. A big thank you from me!:)
Can anyone view the 1920's electrol roll book, I have not visited the library yet, I feel a visit coming on. Can you tell me do you have to book or do you just turn up.
Sandra.....Unless the rules have changed in the last couple of years, you can just turn up and view the rolls....they start in book form from 1920 onwards......if you are searching for your family and do not know the address.....then I would say don't.....you would be there for weeks.....there are a few hundred books to search through.....its hasn't got an surname index.....
Wragg family

My mother-in law was Sarah Wragg born1914 parents James and Sarah ann lived Denbigh Street Birmingham.Any further info please.
The Wragg family.

:D Hi Sandra. This photo is of the Wraff family. The daughters name is Judy the son is Johny. I think the mothers name was Muriel. The fathers name was Horrice I think. will check on these when I phone my friend Betty. Bye for now. Jean. :D
The Wragg family.

:D Sandra. I have just rememberd where they moved to after leaving Holte road. It was the same side as Holford Drive on the Birchfield road.:D Bye. Jean.
I believe there was a cafe run by a Mr Alf Wragg where Tyburn Road meets the road leading down to the old Dunlop works. Is this the same family, I wonder?

Big Gee
Wragg family for Pam1511

No Sarah Wragg registered 1914

Sarah E Wragg reg 1st quarter 1915 mothers maiden name given as
Scattergood which technically it would be but I believe she was formerly
married to a John Kirk

There are no marriages on the Ancestry records for

James Wragg married in Birmingham
registered Dec 1914 to Sarah Ann Kirk

Sarah Ann Scattergood married John Kirk 1898

1901 census
Devon street
John Kirk age 23 Corporation Carter
Sarah ann age 21
Sarah E age 2
a couple of doors away are a Scattergood family(will look into it more)
Alf Wragg Coffee Shop

I believe there was a cafe run by a Mr Alf Wragg where Tyburn Road meets the road leading down to the old Dunlop works. Is this the same family, I wonder?

Big Gee

Hi Big Gee,
Reference to Alf Wragg Coffee Shop, this is news to us, as Alf Wragg had a coffee shop in Summer Lane that we know of. Can you remember when the coffe shop existed or have you anymore info on him we are doing the family tree so this is another line to investigate.
Look forward to your reply.
Wragg family.

:biggrin: Sandra. Did Pat tell you I found out the names of the family from Holte road. The dad was Oswald the mom Dolly the daughter Judy and the son Johny. The mom and dad are dead Judy lives in Devon and Johny somewhere in France. They moved to Aldridge road by Holdford drive after leaving Holte road. I got the road names mixed up. I said it was Birchfield road. Bye. Jean. :biggrin:
Hi Big Gee,
Reference to Alf Wragg Coffee Shop, this is news to us, as Alf Wragg had a coffee shop in Summer Lane that we know of. Can you remember when the coffe shop existed or have you anymore info on him we are doing the family tree so this is another line to investigate.
Look forward to your reply.

Hi Sandra.

The cafe I refer to was on the corner of Tyburn Road and Holly Road (the road leading over the hump-backed bridge down to the Dunlop works) and to us in the 1960's it was known as "Alf Wragg's". My dad also knew it by that name. I had a good friend who worked at the Dunlop around 1966-67, and several times we met at that cafe at lunchtime for a bacon-and-egg buttie, and it was always, "See you at Alf's".

It was still there in the early 1980's, but under different ownership. At that time I was in the Erdington Operatic Society and we put our shows on at Dunlop Hall. On rehearsal days we'd 'send out', as the phrase was, for grub from "Alf's on the corner".

I could be totally wrong, of course, but I don't think I am....


Big Gee
Kelly's 1949 & 1968-69 shows 901 Tyburn Road corner of Holly Lane as Miss Ivy Jelf refreshment rooms, an establishment which already has a mention on this forum by Astonian.

1949 shows Alf Wragg coffee rooms 356 & 357 Summer Lane

As soon as I read Colin B's post and saw the name 'Jelf' I realised I'd made a terrific mistake about the name of the cafe on Tyburn Road. My feeble, aged brain confused 'Alf' with 'Jelf'....because the two names sound somewhat alike.

Profound apolgies, everyone.

Big Gee
Wragg family

:biggrin: Sandra. Did Pat tell you I found out the names of the family from Holte road. The dad was Oswald the mom Dolly the daughter Judy and the son Johny. The mom and dad are dead Judy lives in Devon and Johny somewhere in France. They moved to Aldridge road by Holdford drive after leaving Holte road. I got the road names mixed up. I said it was Birchfield road. Bye. Jean. :biggrin:
Hi Jean,
Thanks for finding the information out about the WRAGGS in Holte Road,
Have printed the picture, and I am going to show it Bridie.
Do you remember Bridie? little irish lady she lived with Percy our side of the road going towards Mrs Nevilles. (OUTDOOR) she should remember them she knew everyone. At the momment cannot seem to fit them in tree, but will keep on file they must belong somewhere.
Thanks again
Sandra (Pats sister)
Bridies Neighbours.

:biggrin: Hi San. Photo's of Aunt Nell and Uncle Harry and mom and dad for Bridie. Bye. Jean. :biggrin: Have just put another on of Aunt Floss with the twins.
Jean lovely photo of your mom and dad, I think that was one of my hair do's on your mom I used to come over and do her hair remember
Wragg Family

thanks Alberta for the info.My mother in law was Sarah E Wragg and her parents James and Sarah tring to find other siblings.
Pam, P M my sister who is on this thread under the name Sandra she is married to Charles Wragg and is doing the wragg family tree. You may be related. If you cant get intouch get back to me
I believe there was a cafe run by a Mr Alf Wragg where Tyburn Road meets the road leading down to the old Dunlop works. Is this the same family, I wonder?

Big Gee
Hi my husband’s parents owned a shop in High Street Bromyard. There was a Wragg’s Cafe next Door around the 1960’s