Does anybody have any photo's of grosvenor road/westminster road handsworth
Then and now aerial views of Westminster Road
Date 1920 and Trinity Rd church partially visible top left corner. Westminster Rd runs down the centre of the view with the school visible opposite the church. Grosvenor Rd at the bottom.
above image is from 'britainfromabove'
Today an aerial view shows Trinity Rd church top left. Westminster Rd school still there 100 years later but the church opposite has lost it's steeple.
above image is from Apple
My mum was born here in February 1928, her parents came from Wales, and my mum's sisters lived at 229 Church Hill Road, Handsworth.Yes I have photo of no.59 where my mum was born in 1928 will add it to the chat but agree with Lyn on google street view you can see most of the road, am sure others photos exist back in time to today.
Joe, what years were you at Westminster Rd? I was there from 49 to 54 and seem to remember MR Clayton.I too went to Westminster road junior school Boys to the right girls to the left I was in the class of miss Box we used to call her pill box I think she knew. I lived in Westminster road at number 69 around about 4 or 5 houses past Putney road It was a detached house, Going back I see that it has been developed into flats now.It has just come to me the headmaster was a Mr Clayton. When I left that school I used to go back on a Saturdy night to the dances My name is Joe Allington Does anyone remember me ???
Joe, what years were you at Westminster Rd? I was there from 49 to 54 and seem to remember MR Clayton.
I was a Wolf Cub at that church hall. The floors were wooden and all splintery so you best not slide on them as we all were wearing shorts!According to the Library of Birmingham the photograph below of the interior
"was taken sometime after the church opened in 1882. The church fell into disuse and combined with Union Row Congregational Church when the new church in Wilton Road was dedicated in 1969".
As the church fell into disuse, I presume that's why it was ultimately demolished. Viv.
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Great pictures! I went to Westminster Rd Juniors and remember our Carol service at the Westminster Church.Westminster Rd - Further Replacements.
Westminster Rd - c1930.
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Westminster Rd.
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Westminster Rd - School
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Westminster Rd and Church - c1925.
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