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St Agnes High School Grammar School

Hi all..what a joy to find this group! I was at St Agnes from 1964 or was it 65? I started in 1C too...anyone in touch with classmates from that time? Linda Sheehy
Yes, I remember it! I was at St Agnes' from 1966 to 1973. I was in 1W (Miss Wainwright). My name was Breda Finegan. Only one other girl from my primary school (The Rosary, Saltley) went to St Agnes the year I did and she was in 1C (Sr Chrysostom). I have seen some other replies to this, and I know it is a long time since this has been active, but I wondered if anyone out there remembers me? I remember going to Spode House (more than once) and to Bockleton Education centre on a geography field trip. I was in a school play one year playing Cuthman, 'The Boy With The Cart'. I met Sr Edwards a few years ago, she was living in Scotland. I remember Miss Wainwright, Miss Troy (Maths, who stalked the corridors in her black gown so we called her 'batman'); Mrs Trotman, Mrs Novak (Geography), Mrs Blagrove (Cookery), Mr Gray (English; wrote a book about Bob Dylan and is something of a Dylan expert); Miss Hadfield? (Art); Miss Seeney (French, she got married and I can't remember her married name); Sr Chrysostom; Sr Edward; Sr Ingrid. There are others I remember by face but not name. Pupils I remember by name: Eileen Lenihan; Janice Finlan, Anne Byrne, Catherine Hennessy, Mary Doorly, Helen O'Shea, Margaret Moulton. I do not have any photos from that time so if anyone has any form photos or a school photo I'd love to be able to see them. I remember the tennis courts and the grass and trees between it and the playground, and the lovely drive with the decorative island (with a little pond in?) at the front. Anyone got anything else to share?
Hi, I was also there 1966-1973. French teacher was Mrs Boaz as I recall and she was my form teacher in the first year (I think). Sr Mary Ingrid was head, all the rest also all Sr Mary something or other. Sr Mary Mildred must've been in her 70s, she taught speech and drama. Sr Mary Edwards taught English and was tiny. I remember dropping to one knee every day for the Angelus at 12.
History teacher had long blond hair and used to get dropped off in her boyfriend's sports car. We once watched a documentary about the making of Honey magazine for an entire history lesson. I do actually have a whole school photo probably from the late 1960s. Anyone remember Teresa Psonka, Angela Dubrowski Marian Fisher, Maggie Farrington?
I was Moira Wood and they were without a shadow of a doubt the worse days of my life.
Moirae, sorry to hear that! I loved the place! When I started it was a private school, it became a grammar school in third year. We mostly clung on to the old uniform with the striped blazer, though I would have loved a blue sweater. The lunches improved after the takeover though, they were dire before; sausages seemed to feature daily, except on Friday when it was fish fingers. There was always a palaver with dinner tickets; they had to be bought at the office on a Monday morning and you were obliged to stand at the counter and write your name on them under scrutiny.
I remember Sr Edwards for English, she was a great teacher. I remember one day she brought in our new class play ‘Pygmalion’, which of course is the book which the musical ‘My Fair Lady’ was based on. She assigned parts, saying she would read Eliza Doolittle. It was a revelation! Her Cockney accent was amazing and we were hooked on the play within minutes.
i do hope more people find this forum; Jean Flackett? Jo Maloney? It’s so hard to track people down from that era as most changed our names on marriage.
Hi Brigid, You must have been one year ahead of me at Saint Agnes. Though, I do remember Helen O'Shea, we went to the same primary school, Maryvale in Kingstanding.
I do remember all those teachers you mentioned
It sure brings back a lot of memories!
Hello Dee, I never really got to know anyone outside my own form really, let alone in years above and below. (Although I think I remember someone called Maisie who was going to be an actress?) But I’m loving seeing all these names again! We will have travelled in completely different bus routes home as I lived nearer the city centre, in Alum Rock. I hope all is well with you? Just in the last few months I’ve reconnected with Helen and another girl from my St Agnes’ class… but I think that may have been on another, dedicated St Agnes, forum.
Hi, I was also there 1966-1973. French teacher was Mrs Boaz as I recall and she was my form teacher in the first year (I think). Sr Mary Ingrid was head, all the rest also all Sr Mary something or other. Sr Mary Mildred must've been in her 70s, she taught speech and drama. Sr Mary Edwards taught English and was tiny. I remember dropping to one knee every day for the Angelus at 12.
History teacher had long blond hair and used to get dropped off in her boyfriend's sports car. We once watched a documentary about the making of Honey magazine for an entire history lesson. I do actually have a whole school photo probably from the late 1960s. Anyone remember Teresa Psonka, Angela Dubrowski Marian Fisher, Maggie Farrington?
I was Moira Wood and they were without a shadow of a doubt the worse days of my life.
So sorry to hear that Moira. I don’t remember being particularly happy there but in my case it was better than being at home, sad to say . From my vantage point now (just got my pension and bus pass) I can see that it was a privileged existence and they were on the whole enlightened and benign unlike some of my primary school teachers. I know it’s rose tinted spectacles and all that, but I enjoy recalling those times. I hope all is well now?
Hey so we would have been there at the same time ☺️ but either my memory is failing me or we just seemed to get to know our own class 1C…my experience was good in parts but think that was down to me trying to be a ‘cool’ teenager in the 60’s - never achieved it and would have been better to have just enjoyed myself but that’s hindsight. I remember Philomena Romney, Marian Moriarty, Lucy Gough and loads of others first names … oooh and Helen Slattery. Many years after school I worked with someone who went to school in Stoke and Sister Mary Edward (small and fierce feminist) had been her headteacher. Someone told me that Sr Mary Ingrid left the order and became Sonia Swann…have I jogged anyone else’s memory?
Hello Dee, I never really got to know anyone outside my own form really, let alone in years above and below. (Although I think I remember someone called Maisie who was going to be an actress?) But I’m loving seeing all these names again! We will have travelled in completely different bus routes home as I lived nearer the city centre, in Alum Rock. I hope all is well with you? Just in the last few months I’ve reconnected with Helen and another girl from my St Agnes’ class… but I think that may have been on another, dedicated St Agnes, forum.
Hi stumbled on this site I am the Maisie who wanted to be an actress .. became an Art teacher instead (though I was with the Birmingham Youth Theatre till I left school Maisie was a nickname I was actually Mary McElroy
Went to Newman College to train with some at Agnes pupils Abigail Kelly Geraldine Moylan and a few others
My parents relocated to Ireland my first year of college and I went there when I qualified taught in Co Down for 4 years then went to the Bahamas to teach in 1981 where I have lived ever since ( though go back to Ireland often ) I married a Bahamian of German background and have 3 children twin girls who are 30 and a son who is 29 long retired from teaching
Amazing to see my name on this forum I actually have fond memories of St Agnes and remember all the teachers mentioned
Hi my Name is Nuala was..,Mcloughlin
I was at St Agnes 1964-69.. It was at the end of it being a private School with Sister Amelia as head teacher before it became a grammar School I remember most of the classrooms in the first year were in Wooden huts, whilst the new school was built.. I recall St Edward , Sr Ingrid , Miss Troy, Mrs Ayling,St Jadwiga.(can’t remember how it was spelt), St Dennis..
I remember Spode house and Bockleton
Think the first years were 1X and 1Y.. Only two of us went to the school from our primary.. myself and Mary Jameson.. Others I remember, Bridget Stack, Catherine Moylan, Mary Coffee, Juanita Bennett.. would love to hear from any one else in those years..
I remember Bridget and myself played truant from school one afternoon to go and watch a pop group in Leicester and got stranded there .. police had to drive us back.. the scandal!
Great hearing others reminiscing those days.. being scolded for sitting on the grass and daring to look at any male visitors!
Hey so we would have been there at the same time ☺️ but either my memory is failing me or we just seemed to get to know our own class 1C…my experience was good in parts but think that was down to me trying to be a ‘cool’ teenager in the 60’s - never achieved it and would have been better to have just enjoyed myself but that’s hindsight. I remember Philomena Romney, Marian Moriarty, Lucy Gough and loads of others first names … oooh and Helen Slattery. Many years after school I worked with someone who went to school in Stoke and Sister Mary Edward (small and fierce feminist) had been her headteacher. Someone told me that Sr Mary Ingrid left the order and became Sonia Swann…have I jogged anyone else’s memory?
Sister Ingrid did leave the order, as did Sr. Collette and one other I think - maybe Sr. Sebastian? She became Sonia Swan(n?) when the school joined with the other schools to become a comprehensive school. Mr. Loughran became headmaster then - around 1976 I think.

I'm afraid I don't remember any of those names as I was there later, 1971-1978. I remember Karen Bullock who was older than me because she was something of a sportswoman, and there was also another who went on to be in the Commonwealth games, but her name escapes me at the moment. They were always getting mentioned in assembly :)
I think Marie Dodd was in the Commonwealth Games.
I was in form 1K Winchester House from 73-78 Maria Purfield


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Sister Ingrid did leave the order, as did Sr. Collette and one other I think - maybe Sr. Sebastian? She became Sonia Swan(n?) when the school joined with the other schools to become a comprehensive school. Mr. Loughran became headmaster then - around 1976 I think.

I'm afraid I don't remember any of those names as I was there later, 1971-1978. I remember Karen Bullock who was older than me because she was something of a sportswoman, and there was also another who went on to be in the Commonwealth games, but her name escapes me at the moment. They were always getting mentioned in assembly :)
I too remember all those teachers during my time at St Agnes, some other St Agnes teachers I recall were Sister Joan Agnes, Miss Bramwell taught Art , Mrs Cleary taught English, Mr Sutton taught Physics, Mrs Stanford taught Home Economics, she’s a neighbour of mine now, Miss Slack taught Drama, Miss Trotman - history?
I didn’t like Sister Sebastian, she was the school social worker, I found her a bit on the harsh & judgemental, odd traits for a nun or confident.
I liked it when we went to Erdington swimming baths by the Co op, lovely old fashioned baths, now closed down .

I was a tomboy and when my dad took me to meet Sister Ingrid and a look around the school I remember standing at the entrance and he read the sign out loud saying “St Agnes RC Grammar School for young ladies….are you joking me, that’s never going to work for you young one”. He was of course correct.
Hi Brigid, You must have been one year ahead of me at Saint Agnes. Though, I do remember Helen O'Shea, we went to the same primary school, Maryvale in Kingstanding.
I do remember all those teachers you mentioned
It sure brings back a lot of memories!
I went to Maryvale and then St Agnes, I started at St Agnes in 1977 so our paths didn’t cross.
I recall Miss Kelly at Maryvale didn’t encourage me to go to St Pauls. My brother Thomas was in the last 1st year intake at St Philips before it became a 6th form college
Hi stumbled on this site I am the Maisie who wanted to be an actress .. became an Art teacher instead (though I was with the Birmingham Youth Theatre till I left school Maisie was a nickname I was actually Mary McElroy
Went to Newman College to train with some at Agnes pupils Abigail Kelly Geraldine Moylan and a few others
My parents relocated to Ireland my first year of college and I went there when I qualified taught in Co Down for 4 years then went to the Bahamas to teach in 1981 where I have lived ever since ( though go back to Ireland often ) I married a Bahamian of German background and have 3 children twin girls who are 30 and a son who is 29 long retired from teaching
Amazing to see my name on this forum I actually have fond memories of St Agnes and remember all the teachers mentioned
Hi Maisie, do you remember me, Dee McCullagh? We were in the same class and would kid around with each other? I live in North Carolina. My husband and I go to the Bahamas quite often. Would love to hear from you!
I have attached my remaining St Agnes momentous, this was on the blazer pocket. I used to wear the beret when I worked in the Juvenile Court circa 1979-81, the rules relaxed then and women were no longer required to wear hats, we still had to wear pale coloured tights and knee length skirt or dress- no trousers were allowed.
I was working for Birmingham Social Services at Snowhill House at the time and got quite a shock when it appeared the school priest from The Abbey was working there too, in civvies! I couldn’t help myself but call him ‘Father’ whenever we met, although he insisted I use his first name and save any confusion or embarrassment. Lovely chap, sadly I don’t recall his name at all these days. I think he married the mother of one of the girls from St Agnes.
Maria Purfield


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I too remember all those teachers during my time at St Agnes, some other St Agnes teachers I recall were Sister Joan Agnes, Miss Bramwell taught Art , Mrs Cleary taught English, Mr Sutton taught Physics, Mrs Stanford taught Home Economics, she’s a neighbour of mine now, Miss Slack taught Drama, Miss Trotman - history?
I didn’t like Sister Sebastian, she was the school social worker, I found her a bit on the harsh & judgemental, odd traits for a nun or confident.
I liked it when we went to Erdington swimming baths by the Co op, lovely old fashioned baths, now closed down .

I was a tomboy and when my dad took me to meet Sister Ingrid and a look around the school I remember standing at the entrance and he read the sign out loud saying “St Agnes RC Grammar School for young ladies….are you joking me, that’s never going to work for you young one”. He was of course correct.
I remember Marie Dodd - she was exceptional at sport and was in the year above me if I recall correctly. There was another woman who was about 5 years or more older than me - at the time when the 6th form still had the striped blazers. One day I will remember her name!

I think it was Miss Stack for drama and R.E., Mrs Trotman was Deputy Head. Other names - Miss Phillips - chemistry. Mrs Reed - geography, Miss Prince - history, Mr. Marlor (Marlow?) Mrs Blaygrove and Miss Lynch - cookery and home economics. Mrs Stockton - German. Miss Purdue - English. Mrs Boaz - french? Mrs Hill - PE. Miss Becket?/Beckley? - PE. Miss Da'Souza - maths.

I was in 1A from 1971-1978, and Lincoln House :)

Erdington Baths was a lovely baths wasn't it with all the tiling and the changing rooms around the edge.

Miss Troy married my father and left St. Agnes' to work at St. Phillips, so I suspect your brother would have known her - she was the Deputy Head there I think and taught maths.

Strange but lovely to reminisce.
Hi, I was also there 1966-1973. French teacher was Mrs Boaz as I recall and she was my form teacher in the first year (I think). Sr Mary Ingrid was head, all the rest also all Sr Mary something or other. Sr Mary Mildred must've been in her 70s, she taught speech and drama. Sr Mary Edwards taught English and was tiny. I remember dropping to one knee every day for the Angelus at 12.
History teacher had long blond hair and used to get dropped off in her boyfriend's sports car. We once watched a documentary about the making of Honey magazine for an entire history lesson. I do actually have a whole school photo probably from the late 1960s. Anyone remember Teresa Psonka, Angela Dubrowski Marian Fisher, Maggie Farrington?
I was Moira Wood and they were without a shadow of a doubt the worse days of my life.
Mint too!
Hi Maisie, do you remember me, Dee McCullagh? We were in the same class and would kid around with each other? I live in North Carolina. My husband and I go to the Bahamas quite often. Would love to hear from you!
Hi Dee what a coincidence which island do you visit ?
St. Agnes Convent Highschool...on the sight of Edmund Campion.It was originally in the house of Josiah Mason and owned and run by Dominican nuns. Knocked down and replaced by Edmund Campion school
The school buildings of the 1970’s era are still intact, the school site on Holly Lane/Sutton New Rd is much bigger now. Alas the tennis courts are now a staff car park.
St Edmund Campion school encompasses the old girls school St Margaret Clitheroe in Pype Hayes and St Thomas (of Canterbury?) boys school at The Abbey on Sutton New Rd.
The school buildings of the 1970’s era are still intact, the school site on Holly Lane/Sutton New Rd is much bigger now. Alas the tennis courts are now a staff car park.
St Edmund Campion school encompasses the old girls school St Margaret Clitheroe in Pype Hayes and St Thomas (of Canterbury?) boys school at The Abbey on Sutton New Rd.
My name is Tim Oxley, Assistant Headteacher at St Edmund Campion Catholic School. I'm an adopted Brummie of 31 years. I am fascinated with the history of St Agnes' and would love to know more. I can also be a contact to those who would like to have a look around and compare now to your time here.
My name is Tim Oxley, Assistant Headteacher at St Edmund Campion Catholic School. I'm an adopted Brummie of 31 years. I am fascinated with the history of St Agnes' and would love to know more. I can also be a contact to those who would like to have a look around and compare now to your time here.
Hi Tim,
it’s lovely to hear from you. I attended St Agnes in 1973 having passed the 11+ exam at Maryvale and was there during the transition to St Edmund Campion. There was a fire at the boys school (St Thomas of Canterbury?) around that time and the boys joined some lessons with the Holly Lane campus, which caused a bit of discombobulation and much distraction.
I don’t recall having lessons with the girls from St Margaret Clitheroe campus back then.
I went on to qualify as a Social Worker, then Probation Officer & ran my own training business. I have much to thank my schooling for, not just for the skill of the teachers, perhaps it was the safe space and sense of community I enjoyed over the years at school. Though one or two teachers despaired of me at times I felt so chuffed when I was invited to run training programmes at the University of Birmingham.

I would dearly love to visit my old school and hear about its development since the Aggies days. I will give you a call to arrange.
Warm regards, Ria
Hi Tim,
it’s lovely to hear from you. I attended St Agnes in 1973 having passed the 11+ exam at Maryvale and was there during the transition to St Edmund Campion. There was a fire at the boys school (St Thomas of Canterbury?) around that time and the boys joined some lessons with the Holly Lane campus, which caused a bit of discombobulation and much distraction.
I don’t recall having lessons with the girls from St Margaret Clitheroe campus back then.
I went on to qualify as a Social Worker, then Probation Officer & ran my own training business. I have much to thank my schooling for, not just for the skill of the teachers, perhaps it was the safe space and sense of community I enjoyed over the years at school. Though one or two teachers despaired of me at times I felt so chuffed when I was invited to run training programmes at the University of Birmingham.

I would dearly love to visit my old school and hear about its development since the Aggies days. I will give you a call to arrange.
Warm regards, Ria
Hi Ria,
I look forward to arranging a visit for you. It is lovley to hear your story and that 'Aggies' played a part in that. I am researching the Dominican Sisters from when they started here in 1892 to 1975. I have the names of the sisters via the 1911 census and the 1939 document. Reading this tread it is lovely to track the teachers who taught here. I am also looking to collect photos and any documentation up 1975 and past that. The spirit and ethos of 'Aggies' is strong, alive and active.