New Member
Hi everyone,
I’m desperately seeking Paula, who owned the Miss Margaret’s Haberdashery shop Alum Rock road. I lost contact with after moving away. Friends tell she used to ask about me. But, I was in too dark a place to face anyone at that time of my life. I regret it to this day. By the time, I moved back, the business had closed and no one knew where she’d gone. It’s been years and still look for her face in the crowds. If I’m honest, with each passing year, I am losing hope. She was a lot older than me. More like a mother than a friend. I fear I may have lost her. Please, please, can anyone help me find her/advise me how to go about it. I can’t remember her surname. But she had a son called Gary and two daughters, Heather and Toni. I’d be grateful to you for the rest of my days. Thank you so much.
I’m desperately seeking Paula, who owned the Miss Margaret’s Haberdashery shop Alum Rock road. I lost contact with after moving away. Friends tell she used to ask about me. But, I was in too dark a place to face anyone at that time of my life. I regret it to this day. By the time, I moved back, the business had closed and no one knew where she’d gone. It’s been years and still look for her face in the crowds. If I’m honest, with each passing year, I am losing hope. She was a lot older than me. More like a mother than a friend. I fear I may have lost her. Please, please, can anyone help me find her/advise me how to go about it. I can’t remember her surname. But she had a son called Gary and two daughters, Heather and Toni. I’d be grateful to you for the rest of my days. Thank you so much.